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"We gotta get these muthaf*ckin strays of this muthaf*kin plane.."

"Four coils and seven gears ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in science, and dedicated to the proposition that all robotic men are created equal.

As a resident of NJ I can say wholeheartedly that I'd rather see this than another season of Jersey Shore..

So it's just like the spandex-wearing superhero books where the two heroes meet up and throw down before squaring off against a common enemy...

I think we now know what Doc Brown was really doing in the bathroom before he hit his head.

In The Return of the Vampire Dracula is knocked unconscious by a bomb dropped during a air raid by the Germans. He's then finally dispatched using more conventional means by getting dragged into the sunlight and staked through the heart.

@Curves: Feline McNuggets?

Keep going Lucas. There's still a little more left...

@sabriel: What a favorite bit of irony. Captain Kirk dies....by falling off a bridge.

And here we see young Jimmy playing hide and seek with his pet tapeworm. Uh-Oh, watch out Jimmy! He's never going to come back out of there now.

I hate it when I get my Schwartz all tangled..

@RuckingFetard: "I keep seeing this all the time people bitching about how a phone which hasn't even been sold for 2 fucking years is no longer supported by software."

@lostarchitect: You could have just said a nerdy dude. That would have been sufficient.

@RuckingFetard: You mean like the way iOS4 runs on the iPhone 2G?

This would come in pretty handy for headboard collisions as well..

@Thomas Hiles: The N900 will be the first available Nokia device to run Meego.

@espinha: Resistive vs. capacitive is a matter of personal preference. I've used both and have no trouble with either. And as far as the processor goes Maemo fans have been overclocking the shit out of the N900 amongst their other tweaks. It really is a geeks device but I wouldn't call it a phone. It's really more of

@Mr. Black: Yes, they did get a demo unit. The orange one that they tested against and iPhone and Blackberry..