JrsyDevil's Advocate®

Ron Popeil wishes he developed this first..

@Orionsaint: Homeless man? Are you kidding? That hair. That beard. Those chains. He's obviously attempting to embark on a new career filming cheesy 70's-style pr0n..

@gifpaste: You're probably more familiar with his more well known brother Oscar. They're both the product of a line line of wieners..

@LetsTryThisAgain: what's the deal with blending anyway? i tried it once. then i analyzed the blender's mechanics, deduced that the rest of the time would be spent shoving things in it to grind them up and sat my phone down.

"Using the smartphone in this way was analogous to using a dictionary, and that conduct has generally been prohibited in juror deliberations."

So now we know why Klingons have those cranial ridges..

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Just imagine if Nokia really was concocting people. They'd be hearty and made from good stock and not necessarily much to look at. They'd also be capable of handling almost any task you threw at them however said tasks would be executed in a slow, lumbering manner.

"If you're reading this site, there's a very slim chance that there's a Nokia in your pocket."

@shenanigans: That last car is a Testarossa not a 355

@ZenInsight: Apparently the owner buys/collects Ferraris for a living.

Don't forget Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam aka Turkish Star Wars..

Reminds me of Shayde from old Doctor Who comics...

This information comes too late for me..

Now playing

What about the episode of Fringe, The Same Old Story..

Am I the only one who looked at 'her' boobs first and then everything else?

Is this that housing boom I've heard people talking about?

@Cheetah Eldrick Woods: Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to make calls, consume media and browse the internet on the same device is insignificant next to the power of The Force...

Google, no longer being satisfied with telling everyone how much balls they have is now shoving them in our collective faces..