JrsyDevil's Advocate®

Worse than the person screaming into their phone is when they do it using the speaker-phone function. So not only to you get to enjoy the idiot near you at full volume, you also get whomever he or she is yelling at...

Oh wait, you meant the other kind..

We're evolving from chimp to pimp...

Frankenstein would probably be the only one saying, "Please taze me bro."

"Your father wanted you to have this, when you were old enough.."

I want mine to scream like Sam Kinison...

"We're the NSA and Windows 7 was our idea."

@JamesDownWell: No, actually all three versions run fine on my phone. Have you tried re-installing OperaMini?

I've had this on my Nokia 5800XM for a while now along with OperaMini 5 beta and OperaMini 4.2. 5 and 10 have nice features and are quick for the most part. As much as I am pleased with the new functions I do miss the simplicity of 4.2. 10 also has copy & paste which is a welcomed addition as well.

@scifigene: What's wrong with a little product placement, even if the product doesn't exist yet? Nobody seemed to mind the Nokia 'Tube' 5800XM prototype seen in The Dark Knight... #startrek

I don't think it was any more out of place than the Corvette was. #startrek

I pay 35 cents for a newspaper. #internet

I wish MS would just focus on their own products (and improving them, wherever needed) instead of making bitchy comments about Apple's products. It just smacks of, "I know you are, but what am I?" playground backtalk. Half the comments sound like some of these people are just hearing about the iphone and app store

"I wish I could quit you, but you taste too good."

MyPorts. Let me show them to you.. #security

@damon001: @briman65001: @Stew Smith: I simply meant it was correct in regards to Michael Crider's reply to theRealMikeyG. I wasn't commenting on any of the details of said buying and selling of AT&T Wireless, Cingular, who came first, the chicken or the egg, ect....