
The fact that that evil war criminal is still alive is proof positive of the non-existence of a benevolent deity. I hope he dies a painful death.

Early on in my professional life, I was stuck in a horrible traffic jam in a freeway in California. I took me 3 hours to get to work and when I arrived I was so bent out of shape, that people looked at me in horror. Realizing how emotionally exhausted I was, I came to this realization: Traffic is like the weather.

Could you provide some links? I don’t know where to start. Which ones are the most reputable? Which ones have helped the most women? Are there any that discriminate in any form? Which ones provide a complete care package, like post-procedural support, therapy - if necessary-, regular check-ins?

FFS, It’s COLOMBIA, not “Columbia”. I’m not Colombian but it’s still annoying to see the country’s name misspelled like that all over the place.  Thank you, U.S. school system for teaching geography so well.

He was a transphobe, homophobe, a racist, and an all-around POS. Good riddance.

As somebody that suffers from medication-induced constipation, I have to put in my $0.02: I bought this (EasyGoPro) version from Amazon and it’s the tits. I didn’t have to measure my toilet bowl, storage is a non-issue because it closely conforms to the bowl’s shape. I do feel that it does make my poo more comfortable