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    He’s Nazi person in the photo.

    Yeah, if Apple Maps wasn’t still a catastrophe.

    I’m holding out some hope that McCarthy just switches to a brunette wig and continues on.

    Seems like a feint to me, something to distract us from the other horrible shit that’ll be going on at home while everyone else is focused abroad. I whole-heartedly believe that Trump will use war to further the interests of himself and his friends - whether that’s in a Halliburton-style war-profiteering manner or

    Yeah, Matt. Cursing is for inarticulate mother fuckers.

    Actually, WhiteHouse.gov is operated by contractors who get their marching orders from federal employees. The copy for different pages usually goes through several stages of review and higher priority is generally given to page additions and deletes than to revisions of existing copy because revising a whole site

    We have a winner!

    My wife likes Genesis, so we named ours Quil Collins

    You tell it to S your D?

    Is that Cary’s Castle?