
Short answer: they grew up.

You are a great example of what is wrong with the gaming community, congratulations.

I think it starts by being inclusive in online forums and groups. On most enthusiast forums I've seen, female members are harassed and denigrated regularly.

I would rather lose my lifespan by one year. It’s not like I lived like an Amish bishop anyways. But seeing a giant-ass roach in the engine is akin to those giant-ass ants in the movie Them, NOPE!

shoulda used the digital air pressure gauge?

It still baffles me that people in the baseball professional environment consider showboating like this “unsportsmanlike conduct”, while acting like a 6 year old because of said showboating and intentionally hitting the batter is apparently OK.

so fucking sad. When I had my WRX I always dreamed about a lift, skid plate and mud flaps. I can see slamming a GTI but it’s just so wrong in a subaru.

The live action is an adaptation of the source material. It doesn’t mean it has to 100% identical to Manga because there’s too much limitations in reality to emulate the same setting. Hater need to give it a rest~ so chill!

Now playing

It is quantum locking, not a magnetic levitation. See second video, puck is locked in space and keep its position the way you put it. Magnetic levitation does not work this way, it is based on magnets repulsing. Here is the video that explains it

I dunno, maybe I’ve just somehow managed to accumulate enough ‘things’ because I honestly didn’t really see anything that was exciting enough to purchase. I almost got a Logitech mouse because my last one finally bit the bullet and I’m using the crappy mouse that came with my PC (Logitech mice really are amazing), but

I dunno, maybe I’ve just somehow managed to accumulate enough ‘things’ because I honestly didn’t really see anything

Haha. For like two seconds! Who cares!

This takes care of most of them

The Pontiac Aztek was a better GM than Doc Rivers.

“I am pleased with this arrangement, for now. Buckle me loosely, slave wench, or suffer the wrath of many decibels.”

That baby has no idea who that lady is. Clearly this child has been kidnaped.

Give me a Super Smash action game with sections like this, and I’d play it.

I beg to differ:

On the plus side, you’ll be rich when the world goes to hell.

Landscape mode ... how hard can it be?