
Yeah, but in fairness “I made a liquid cooled PS5 using a water loop carved in copper the size of the whole motherboard” is actually even more interesting if you know why it’s interesting and “I made a slim PS5" is gonna get some normies through the door and a spot on Kotaku, so good job on both the promotion and the


Gary, blink twice if Elon has kidnapped your family and is forcing you to post on his behalf because he hates bots and finds this to be an acceptable loophole.

He was using twitter to effect the rise and falling of Dogecoin’s value. I’m pretty sure he was fucking around, but US law tends to frown on that kind of thing.

Is your life improved by defending a billionaire?

I, too, want Elon to french-kiss me for defending him on Kotaku.

You mean the guy who is in the top 1% OF THE TOP 1% may have “earned” that money through less than scrupulous means!?!

Really hope this guy gets the brunt of ole “fuck around and find out”. Glad I’m too poor to put money in stuff, seems folks that trusted this numb nuts got took for a ride. 

Just isn’t the same without being able to roll to the nearest Blockbuster to print our masterpieces.

Report: Microsoft Kinect Creator Resigns After Being Accused Of Watching ‘VR Porn’ At Work And Broadcasting It On A Screen During A Meeting And also Inappropriately Touched Female Coworkers.

All of these Nintendo sports games feel way too light for their pricing.

I still can’t believe Nintendo charges top dollar for these types of games. I gladly pay asking price for any of their marquee franchises (except Smash. Bleh) but full price for an arcade sports title is ridiculous, even if it has Mario in it. Nintendo should have a “B Tier” pricing strategy for titles like this.

honestly love that for them!

Crypto bro bad at math” is the least surprising thing I’ve heard all week

Seriously. I already grind for resources I can use for other activities. It’s called a job.

They really can’t fathom the idea that normal people aren’t excited about a future where everything in the world, even escapism, is an endless grind. They’ve sublimated their own lives into nonstop #hustle bullshit and they just assume everyone wants to be as joyless as them.

The year is 2030. There are no video games because cryptobros used all the Earth’s electricity to mint a single Super NFT, which depicted a vomiting monkey wearing a fez. Some guy bought it for $93 million and said “I’ll sell it for four times as much!” right before it ceased to exist because there was no longer any

As a video game player, the last thing I want to do after spending any amount of time on a video game is to have to translate my achievements (a horror show no matter how you phrase it) to another video game I might not even want to play, and so on and so forth until I’ve earned enough crypto to clock out. To eat,

God damn does that sound like a nightmare. I don’t want to have to play a match 3 game to farm materials for someone in WoW to spend a real-time hour forging a better weapon so I can use it in Dragon Age to get a loot drop for Borderlands. If I want to just play Borderlands (or Dragon Age or whatever other game), I

as a game designer, i want my game’s ecosystem isolated with no cross contamination. it’s a closed ecosystem curated by me.