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I’m sure the zookeepers have asked the penguins to clarify their sexual identity for them...


H2O2 has actually been used relatively successfully for blooms on small scales, although I’m more in touch with the monitoring side of things (not treatment) so I don’t know the literature that extensively.

Since the IRL is a very restricted lagoon, there’s only a few spots where a truly marine phytoplankton like K. brevis can enter. And based on current sampling map it seems like the only spot within the lagoon proper is way down by the St. Lucie inlet. The Indian River is a misnomer as water essentially flows within

Nothing in this article mentions or even hints at Warren...nor does any mention of these candidates potentially being the first women to identify as Native American to serve in Congress imply anything that Warren hasn’t already implied herself (to my knowledge she’s never claimed to have anything other than distant

Yeah, if you’d drop your bias and do some actual research on the guy you’d see why many people are a little scared of him. For example, he’s funding the caravan heading towards our border, and yeah he funds Antifa protests. There is indisputable public documentation.

Those bloom can account for half of all primary productivity—basically plant growth”

Related, but at my former university their chapter just made a huge deal about now being a “Registered Student Organization” so now they can suck up student government funds (paid for by student fees) like other campus groups. But taxes are just the worst! 

Also another example of how long term data collection like these LTER programs are valuable. I wish we had funding for more...

That’s all correct.

Very fair point. I’d just like to see some more push back against superficial statements like that in part because a good portion of scientists have been too complicit in letting people argue for them that science has gotten “too political” as if it has even been an apolitical institution...

Trump: You’d have to show me the scientists because they have a very big political agenda, Lesley.

Gadsden County is state’s only majority black county, is largely rural/poor, and overwhelmingly votes blue.

As another commenter mentioned, you’re technically not 100% wrong, but you’re wrong in so far as the net effect of particular types of aerosols is cooling...at least based on current evidence (which is in no way static).

Florida does have some naturally high areas of phosphorus, hence the phosphate rock mining. But from what we can tell based off what’s left of the historical Everglades, the system used to function under very, very low phosphorus. Any more than about 10 ppb and you see huge functional shifts in the ecosystem (e.g.

Maddie, this is awesome and huge kudos to you and the video production team.

Well, if their assertion that cyanobacteria like these evolved like other endolithic cyanobacteria is true...then that scenario is probably unlikely given we have fossil records of filamentous cyanobacteria, likely photosynthesizing, at 3.4 billion years old while the earliest known endoliths are 1.5 billion.

“Red tide” is basically a catch-all term for blooms of dinoflagellates. To my knowledge, the California events are made up of different species because K. brevis is native to the Gulf of Mexico (as far as we know). But there are instances where those Pacific-born species produced toxins as well.

I took a biomarker class (for fun?) in grad school, and quickly became jealous of the cool cores the geologists got to work with. Meanwhile I was shoddily taking 20 cm deep cores by hand...