As a devout cinephile, M83’s Anthony Gonzalez is certainly aware of the psychological concept of the suspension of…
It’s entirely apt that Tortoise would release its first album in seven years after two straight weeks when the music…
Our main list of the year’s best albums doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s tallied from ballots by a group of…
Every year, The A.V. Club invites our regular music writers and staff to pick their favorite albums of the past 12…
The A.V. Club’s list of 2013’s best films was a group effort, a mathematically assembled aggregate of seven separate…
Most movies are about relationships—between law and order, between desire and duty, between the past and the…
This year, The A.V. Club invited our regular book writers and staff to pick their favorite books released in 2013.…
Our main list of the year’s best albums doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s tallied from ballots by a group of…
Every year, The A.V. Club invites our regular music writers and staff to pick their favorite albums of the past 12…
1983 was the year Tom Cruise got into risky business, Shirley MacLaine used terms of endearment, and America took…
A ton of excellent records came out in 1983, and a good number of them—R.E.M.’s Murmur, New Order’s Power,…
Although 1983 falls squarely during the reign of the king of horror—Stephen King released three books and had three…
The lines separating various comics niches have gotten fuzzier every year, as genre comics become more literary,…
Every year, The A.V. Club embarks upon elaborate voting rituals to determine the sorta-consensus best films, albums,…
From the gut-wrenching, step-by-step chronology of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad to…
Our main list of the year’s best albums doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s tallied from ballots by a group…
Every year, The A.V. Club invites its music writers to pick their favorite albums of the past 12 months, dispersing…
The triumph and tragedy of Anthony Perkins' career is that he could never stop being Norman Bates. When you're…