
And not just Son was hurt, but Son’s son Son.

That was a terrible joke and you should feel bad for writing it.

They are all “eerily similar” because in every instance the driver mistakenly mashed down the accelerator.

You can buy 2017 cars in December. The new model year often comes out in the late summer or fall of the previous year.

A used electric Fiat! What could possibly go wrong?

The opportunity was ripe to send Rex and Rob away on miniature motorcycles.

Until I can afford the real thing...


I think it’s great that Tesla has a sense of humor. The Big Three certainly don’t. Things like make me like Musk and Tesla much more. Life should be fun; it’s nice that some fun energy is put into these newer products. I hope Tesla keeps doing stuff like this.

After doing that is there any power left to drive?

Cars with easter eggs which aren’t hidden rust spots...

/open article

Would you put your car up for rent on Turo?

So here’s a thing. Some people—wait for it—some people don’t live in New York City.

Come of Freddy, this is jalopnik, we read the title, maybe the first paragraph, scroll through the pictures and go to the comments.

Even if they catch him, he’ll probably still get off.

Does the 20k for the house go to the buyer or the seller? Either way its worth nothing