
Why not? Because the fishing boxer said that he bought it from a millionaire and the car was a garage queen and he has only put 600 miles on it. Judging by the dash it looks like it’s spent a lot more time outside than inside, making the whole write-up questionable. This is amplified when purchasing site unseen AND

Depends on geography. If you drive a N/S/ road at sunset/sunrise everyday it may be very beneficial to you

I’m pretty sure this is why they won’t give rear wheel drive only...

Looking to pick one up in October to replace my Evoque

Bonus points for not having clear heels

...it’s a meme.


This couldn’t be more helpful - literally headed to the dealer after work in an effort to replace '04 Jetta that is slowly killing itself. Maybe this will be enough to convince the wife that it's fate...


So what’s a consumer to do when all “local” options are owned by the same group?

Tom, you may be interested to know that all the Jag dealers on Long Island (all 3 of them) are owned by the same conglomerate. Thus, if one isn’t going to help you, the others probably won’t either as their inventory is “fluid” anyway. This is the problem I have with trying to get the best deal on a Discovery Sport

Came here for this... even after listening to it online many times and thinking I had an idea of what it was like - I didn't. When I was waiting at the LRJ service center a guy came in with his Ftype and was pissed to find out the Ftype tech wasn't in that day. He went back out, started it up and peeled out and it was

While I like the looks of many sedans - I look at them and think, well, to get the most out of a vehicle (for my needs), I'd love more space via a hatch or SUV cargo area. When you start talking about spending $40k+ on a car, it becomes apparent that getting a 4 door sedan makes little to no sense (assuming you count

So much want. That 5th door solves so many trunk related problems

I've been followed by "jalopnik" so I think I'm good! Thanks

Why? I’ll tell ya why! Because those dirty germans lied to us and have taken my tdi wagon dreams and covered them in soot. Also, I can’t afford volvo : (

I was walking in the parking lot at work the other day and was amazed at how many non-sedans there were. Then I was thinking about my vehicles, needs and wants - and 4 door sedans just don’t have a place. Why not get a wagon, or a CUV or SUV which will have more space, be more comfortable and get basically the same

REBUILT TITLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 707 HPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLC4T PWR!!!! THIS PRICE !!!!!! CANT BE BEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the proper word is "bigot", but yea, there's that too...

Don’t forget it’s dark as hell, impossible exit/entry ramps and lined by woods and/or walls