
Good god that's both beautiful AND completely over-engineering things. Also, while that may work for some things like a coffin-box, I'd like to see it do that with a 12' SUP! I think it's safe to say that it puts limits on carrying things on the roof, which is why I would not be interested in an SUV with falcon-wing

What do you do if the only dealerships of a particular brand are owned by the same umbrella group? On Long Island there are only 3 Land Rover Dealers - but all under the same group. Is it possible to play them off of each other or would it not matter because they have the same parenting company?

The doors ruin the option of a roof rack. While they are offering a hitch for bikes, skis, etc. there’s no one you’re carrying a kayak, SUP, or coffin up there. Then again, if you’re spending this kind of money on an SUV with questionable looks, odds are you have a “fleet” of vehicles that are more accommodating

1. Clicks headline on main page

Ah - but in order to be dangerous to others one would have to break rules (laws) that are already in place. They would have to be driving recklessly, speeding, not maintaining their lane, not using a blinker, not wearing required safety gear, etc. etc. etc. Virtually every vehicle on the road can go far faster than

12 internet points for that "round" about reference

Fire suppression system. GM would make a killing by having this be an option!

someone had their cheerios peed in

If you watch the RAW interview it’s incredible how cool calm and collected this girl is. She’s only upset that her Range Rover p38A has been destroyed. The fact that she referred to it by P38A tells you how much she loved it. I think Andrew Collins and Doug (Carmax) DeMuro need to hand deliver this girl a new (old)

Seriously... I thought my addiction was in remission but here we go down the Jenna-rabbit hole!

You have to add two gopros - one facing forward and one facing backward, becuase you’re so EXTREME

Phaeton. The answer, of course, is Phaeton. It has motorized covers for the HVAC vents.

Polestar is def lux (in an understated swedish way) and clearly the best choice

Try the configurator. Go ahead and do it. Then come back and tell me that this car doesn’t deserve to get dumped on. Nothing about the Tiguan is good especially when you consider this is the same company that makes the GTI, R, Golf Sportwagen and Touareg (which may be overpriced, but it’s an impressive vehicle).

I don’t think you know what an internet troll is? The people you describe are fan boys. Also, they're right, because the answer is always Miata.

This site has like, the least amount of trolls on the entire internet... ?

Uh... ?

A thousand times yes. I wanted to get one of these (parents had one when I was a kid) as a beach car - but wife veto'd it because the hipster fashion designer/model one town over have one and we would be copying them.

Came here for this - thank you

More like sarcastic digs at Nissan, because: Nissan.