
Yep, Evo came in second but he was a long-shot candidate until 3 days before the election. He was polling around 6% in 2002 and shot up to 22% thanks to the US Ambassador comments, saying that the US would stop aiding Bolivia if Evo got too many votes, and putting the country in the "Axis of Evil" if he won. Guess

It was two elections later, in 2009. In 2005, the election after the one depicted here (2002), Evo beat Jorge Quiroga, the VP of a former dictator who managed to get elected in the late 90s.
I voted in all those elections, man. I can still remember.

This is not true. The candidate Carville and co were fighting against is a hardcore conservative former military guy with shady links to the US himself. He bettered Goni only in his being populist and "new" to politics. His father was a high-ranking official during a US-backed military regime in the 80s, and he took

Damn, Rainer Werner Fassbinder. That was completely unexpected.

It makes you wonder what kind of talent pool was available for poor Larry Wilmore's new show. I've liked it so far, but after learning all of this, I understand its very apparent clunkiness.

Who said he doesn't?

Indeed he was. I bought that album in the middle of a Don Fleming stage I went through, nary a decade ago; it's not memorable. Then again, I'm not a Beatles fan.