Jarrod Lipshy

I’m gonna give my vote to The Great Mouse Detective, as that was clever as hell.

Dick Tracy comes in a very close second; that logo’s goddamn near spot-on, and I had a decoder watch as a kid (for the remake featuring Madonna), so I’m a little biased in that direction.

Solid work by all.

wow, you seem like a real understanding fella

I can’t begrudge people for not being excited by a game with guns on screen after a real-life incident as well...but I’m still tired of video games getting special levels of censorship compared to other violent media, along with just blame for the incidents themselves.

Reading the comments, I guess I am the odd one out that is ok with them putting it on hold.

I remember after 9/11 when they pulled a whole bunch of programming from TV and the radio. Truth is people are in mourning and pro-CS is probably the last thing they want to see

“Debbie” -Fester voice

Man, you need to rewatch the second one. Joan Cusack is a national treasure and she’s great in that movie.

I actually just rewatched the first Addams Family and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, but remember not liking the second one as much, even as a kid

Finally, the good news, almost nothing worthwhile is leaving Netflix this month

I was hoping i would see this comment

Mostly, we just expect that our management will recognize the quality of our work and abide by the pre-determined rules established in our workplace without finding new ways to discipline us. As you can see by the posted pictures, she wasn’t attempting to subvert the dress code policies prior to being reprimanded for

That is until they’re forced to provide a reason when they get sued. “At will” laws do not protect discrimination. They’re still answerable for it.

But how can I judge and insult this woman for her bravery with all these pesky faaaaaaaaaaaaacts dammit

Too busy waging a war on Christmas to answer

“celebrating Christmas is frowned on.” What fucking world do you live in? Christmas is on literally every TV channel and in every store. I’d expect a sexist weenie like you would also be the type to believe the war on Christmas is a real thing too though.

telling people a headscarf is inappropriate is unprofessional, changing rules after the fact to support your bigotry is unprofessional, enforcing an opinion on a subordinate is unprofessional. Reading the rules and following them to the T is not.