It’s people like this that make me feel lazy. I tried doing a 30 day drawing challenge and couldn’t even keep that up...
It’s people like this that make me feel lazy. I tried doing a 30 day drawing challenge and couldn’t even keep that up...
Just purchased this. Wanted people to know that it is not a ‘book’, it is a pdf. A book is something that is both physical and tangible (at least to me). at no point during the purchase process did it not say digital book and I went through the whole thing waiting for it to ask for my address.
fuck, i always misread and mix-up sexiest and sexist so your comment had me so confused.
One of these days, a swatting story is going to end in death. And it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Fuck the people who do this shit.
“I still got the fucking Charmander, bitch,” had me rolling. Good man.
Lesson of the story: give them your phones first, then shoot them in the back :)
Everybody wants to be a gunfighter.
I wont let that happen
Thing s, in countries where guns are illegal and not some poor shithole where crime leads the country, armed robberies are rare and only performed by professionals where usually no one gets shot. In the US its sad to see that every robbery is basically performed with a gun. And why is that? Because every idiot can get…
WOOOOOSH! The lesson here is that the more guns in a situation, the greater likelihood someone’s getting shot, and the less control any given person has over who it will be.
Enjoy your illusion of control while escalating a robbery into a gunfight, in which your friends and loved ones might, say, get gutshot (as in this case). No, not pulling a gun doesn’t guarantee no one gets shot, but pulling a gun very nearly guarantees someone does.
yeah, I think you came away with the wrong lesson there.
Personally I would say the lesson is “don;t draw on armed arseholes for the sake of a will end badly for someone“
You realize noone would have been shot if neither had guns ? (Captain Obvious here, sorry)