For real. I get that Cardi is entertaining and charismatic and what have you, but the way she’s lionized on Jezebel, given her repeated actual and alleged shitty behaviour, is getting kind of ridiculous. Stop the fawning, please!
For real. I get that Cardi is entertaining and charismatic and what have you, but the way she’s lionized on Jezebel, given her repeated actual and alleged shitty behaviour, is getting kind of ridiculous. Stop the fawning, please!
Is there some sort of contest going on between slave-based school assignments and blackface? Because neither one seems wants to call it quits.
That’s how I feel about his voice. I can’t listen to it. I’ll read his nonsense statements (sometimes), but if they have a sound bite on the radio, I turn the radio off. I’ve gotten to the point where I can basically judge how long the soundbite will be based on his typical cadence and the quantity of bullshit he’s…
The lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people cannot stand that he does not yet have dictatorial powers.
No, she’s a con artist who has started believing her own bullshit.
I think about this ALL the time when seeing women with short shorts sitting on subway seats.
She’s still in the running, seriously?
I guess it’s because Nancy Pelosis called for Al Franken to resign when he was accused of much less.
“The Oxycontin Express” - found it on Youtube.
I saw one of those documentaries about the pill trafficking routes between the Florida pill mills & the junkie heartland.... The footage of the shithole North Florida towns made my hair stand on end. Every single strip-mall had a “pain clinic” in it, basically a fly-by-night doctor who takes cash for pills.... ads for…
Exactly. Everything in America is a scam that only benefits the rich.
Absolutely, combined with an increasingly for-profit prison system it’s destroying us. It’s like capitalism is eating itself.
Pendejo and his sidekick Pencedejo.
His voice is the worst part of him, isn’t it? I don’t like to look at his image, especially on video, but I run for the mute button or change the channel on the radio if I ever her him speak. It’s like hatred made manifest.
I hear you. I’m not sure I entirely agree that he doesn’t have a strategic long game, but either way, the people latching onto him do, and they are harnessing this chaos (and feeding it) to undermine our entire system of government for their exclusive benefit.
Evolutionary psychology, yes. It’s a pseudo-science, but it can be compelling, and I’ve seen otherwise highly educated people take it as gospel truth.
Ugh, Ev Psych are misogynists