Glad to hear this. I hope Parliament says it loud and proud “STFU 45"
Glad to hear this. I hope Parliament says it loud and proud “STFU 45"
“Why can’t one of the torpid sheep in that room just, please for the love of God, say, “obviously that is not the case or we wouldn’t have asked the question and it is your job as his representative to make clear is official position!”
Welp. Bobby warned me not to. But did I listen? Nooooooooo. Now my day is steeped in pensive melancholy and it’s 10am. 😔
You are sooooo right. It pisses me off to no end when they do it, it’s abusive and crazy making. They do it to the press too and no one ever pushes them to answer. I wonder what whould have happened in your class if the students would have pushed and pushed and pushed and called him out saying “you didn’t answer the…
Ok I get it. I’m on target since I don’t eat meat.
Wow, that’s a hella lot of cooking and eating! And good point on how old timey the idea of someone being able to devote all that labor to cooking every fucking day of the week is. My mother was a gourmet cook, but I grew up in the 60's -70's and she DID NOT WORK outside the home as per all the married upper middle…
Thanks! And yes, the stones, ounces, furlongs can bite it.
Oh, I see. So not really that much.
THE PEA. My childhood nemesis too! I’m with you on the pill vegetable. But I’d like a general food pill too.
“recommended amount of one and a half to two cups of fruit...two to three cups of vegetables every 24 hours.”
...Plus, how he holds the boy’s face and says something probably sweet and kind... *le sigh*
Thanks! That was a delicious dish.
I think it’s great Lisa Bonet iswith him bc when she was always my beauty icon/style icon going back to A Different World. I wonder if she met Jason Momoa on The Red Road?
It reminds me of scuzzy dudes on the subway, etc who do this. CK is basically a nasty perv on the subway who has a job.
I probably couldn’t form a coherent sentence in the presence of that much beauty and tallness.
I was thinking that too, to engender this much love you must be spreading joy to all you come in contact with.
Aww. Not a jerk at all, it’s so nice, my 5'0" self appreciates that. Lots of tall people help me at the stores, all y’all know the tall are the servants of the small, heh-heh.
“Also, what the fuck is up with people sending nude photos to someone that they’ve never met? If you legitimately think someone will self-harm if you don’t send them a nude photo, contact the damn authorities.”
I read that too!!! What the hell? The conversation with those two was awful. Part of the same convo: