
This doofus is The President.

Me too!! They weren’t any kind of fun at all. I don’t get it.

Ah yes, The Secretary of Caps Lock.

That haberdashery tho,

THAT is hilarious!!!!

Yeah, let’s not attribute any actual conscious aesthetic or thought to this fool.

“The idea that a businessman....simply by virtue of being a businessman— somehow do something good regarding healthcare policy is just bonkers.”

Cuomo: […it seems as if you are saying] you’re either white or you’re not right. That is anathema to what America is all about, can we get agreement on that?

Did not know that. One of my neighbors is a 60ish year old guy named Lieutenant.

That baby kitten tho.

Thanks! That sounds terrible. It also seems to be a lot of controversy about the effects so I’ll just stick with a teeeeeny bit of meth. heheh.

I have some pharm adderall, how long do you stay high? How long does that hangover last? Does it include anxiety? Benzos didn’t help you with that? How much did you take and for how long? Can you just take it for like three consecutive Saturdays to wipe out your to do list and then stop or will there be consequences?

That sounds spooky. Do you have a picture?

Here’s one in Savannah

I did not know that and I find it interesting that she would do this IRL too. I saw the cast of Girls modelling some clothes in Vogue or something and she looked like far worse than anyone else. Weird.

And you are 100% right. It’s a big fat casino.

I read it as kind of a manifesto and then

Got yer truefax rightcheer:

Egad, Who was that?