You may find this deconstruction of the image interesting. As an art historian manqué I found it fascinating and it took me back to my school days.
You may find this deconstruction of the image interesting. As an art historian manqué I found it fascinating and it took me back to my school days.
I hate the way he talks, gestures, says The women/blacks/hispanics etc., his non vocabulary... I loathe Every. Single. Thing. about this vainglorious nincompoop.
“Oh, and don’t get me started on Marcos’ burial.”
It will ruin your week:
I got totally lost down this rabbit hole once. Love it!
Spill. That. Tea.
Like Texas and their unrelenting efforts to completely deny abortions in their state despte losing lawsuits against them ALSO cutting medicaid for DISABLED CHILDREN’S THERAPY.
Totally not amused...but Wait! What happened to the Golden on the surgery table at 2:50? Is he the one from 1:27? This is the only thing I care about. Am I going to have to report this to
Someone broke up with me this way over 20 years ago and it’s made him unforgettable. Some BFs you just love and leave and the years erode any sentiment, they become neutral but this one; I have nothing but the warmest memories of him and wish him only well in his life and I sincerely mean it.
100% truth, there’s no winning with them. Except that one guy in the Cracked article (I think someone mentioned it here). He tells about how he was a 9/11 truther and how he gave it up and the consequences.
hahahahahaha!!! So funny!!! But I can picture it! My mom thinks I’m that same stog smoking granny but a Southern lady junior leaguer as well! WHAT. THE. HELL. MOM.
Wow. That child person doesn’t deserve a gift. Give them nothing.
“but I never felt poor during those times.” How wonderful! That is so, so important. Christmas makes me feel poor so it must have this effect on others. It was worse when I watched TV with ads but it’s still bad because facebook.
My very favorite to get!
I hate stuff and my mother used to buy me clothes that looked like she’d never met me. Years ago (I’m pretty old) when they asked I said: “I’ll make it simple folks, three categories:”
Oh, I see what you mean. You didn’t touch a nerve really, I was just curious especially now that I’m reading the Remini book and believing in religious (or cult) stuff blows my mind. I tease the Baptist in my office by telling her all the batshit things about the Catholic religion. I find those things hilarious!
Also, I fell out laughing at the “lyrics” lolololololol
Can’t star this enough! As a fellow militant atheist raised in this fucked up church I love these words: “young people are leaving in Italy...we are probably more secular...”
I’m an ex Catholic and I am curious as to why disagreeing with the pope is a problem, he’s just a dude, not a god and he’s like the president of a corporation so why not? Would you disagree with a duly elected president or senator or CEO if they said things you don’t like. I don’t mean to be nasty but I could never…