Dayum, white carpet! That’s so hard core. Die deutsch Frauen don’t need no stinkin’ professional size Küche.
Dayum, white carpet! That’s so hard core. Die deutsch Frauen don’t need no stinkin’ professional size Küche.
LOL! Alles in Ordnung! My mother is German and you can eat off her floors and she bakes like nobody’s business. I mean REAL PERFECTION. When I was a kid and I had friends over they asked if we ever ate at home because the kitchen and dining room were spotless (we had gourmet meals every night with all 7 of us dressed…
KittenZ. There were many adorable kittenz playing Keanu. Also, I read how they had to hire a bunch of different litters bc kittens age out of character too fast. Awwww. Kittenz.
I know. Won’t anything stop them? Ugh.
THAT is a masterpiece! and so is your doggie’s smile! Gah!
I did it & I got it, thanks!
It’s HHI for Hilton Head Island a bland and super WASP bougie place that once upon a time was a beautiful lowcountry barrier island. Now all the gated communities are called “plantations.” It’s gross and this is typical.
I’m getting a 410 error message on this link.
At the end of the video (1:24) comes this little nonchalant nugget:
I saw that! It’s a whole lotta WUT.
“When you’re an author, you can invent any world you want. Martin wanted a world where sexual violence is rampant (and socially sanctioned) and dragons are real, so he made it. Do I think the world he created says something about him as a man? Yeah, I do.”
I know this is for lizzay but I’m taking one for myself too.
I am nuclear hot with rage right now.
“Jamaat-e-Islami, which is typically hostile to legislation that might empower women, said they would not oppose the bill.” *shudder*
Fuck the patriarchy.
Thank you for this important public service.
“All in all, Ailes will be paid over $40 million after being fired.”
Oh girl, I ride my bike after dark only bc I’m so self-conscious of being Fat Girl on a Bicycle. Everytime I get on it I think of that meme, hopefully one day after all this riding I will no longer be FGOB. I wish I could be Fat Girl on the Beach bc I love and live near the sea and love to immerse myself in water of…
OH NOES, me too now that you mention it!
hahahahahaLOL!!! TPB 4 Evah!