
Wife ordered the Pixel XL and got the same shipping date. It’s still a good deal, even if she has to wait a month to get one.

Wife ordered the Pixel XL and got the same shipping date. It’s still a good deal, even if she has to wait a month to

I’d let her proof my copy

There is no way he would associate himself with John Kerry, so there is equally no way he would serve Heinz

I’m glad they caught this mistake. I just bought the same card for my new surface book and was going to flip my shit over that price drop.

I’m glad they caught this mistake. I just bought the same card for my new surface book and was going to flip my shit

I’ve had a couple but every bar I’ve had them in served them in a regular fucking glass because the world is already too full of proprietary drink mugs.

I understand the usefulness of the electoral college but it frustrates the crap out of me because I live in a rural (red) part of Massachusetts so my vote really doesn’t count unless I’m voting for a democrat. Full Disclosure: I voted for Johnson knowing it would amount to nothing.

I’m just going to assume that I Expect You to Die is the rebranded James Bond Simulator 2017

Can we get an Uncharted where you play as Elena, sitting at home eating noodles and playing Crash Bandicoot, Or is that too close to my real life already?

That’s exactly what I am doing now but I’m starting to feel the pull. I started Skyrim up again but the whole time I’m playing it I wish it was the witcher

Westworld not enough for you?

I live in a rural area. The nearest Home Depot or Lowes is 45 minutes away but I have several Ace stores around the area. Home Depot and Lowes tend to stick top the more heavily populated areas near highways

“This is your PC, and it’s getting obsolete one minute at a time” - PCMR Tyler Durdin

“Consider Console version because you won’t have to tweak graphical settings”

Ugh. Why you gotta make me miss Hartman like that?

I went all out and bought one of those newfangled Surface Books to replace my aging HP laptop that can’t even connect to Wifi on its own anymore

Bought my wife one for her birthday in May. she hated it. I had to return it

Your mom is an acquired taste!

My wife is a vegetarian so we stock up on those when they go on sale. I love it. I think it tastes great and makes great sandwiches later.

I wish I had the time in my life to dedicate to such a craft. As it is my coworkers are lucky I remember to put pants on on my way out the door each morning.