
By the time Aiden was ramping a dirt bike through the countryside while helping a zany country guy fight off militia maniacs, I'd mostly lost interest in why I was doing what I was doing. That's a shame, since it does appear as though the people who made Watch Dogs would have liked nothing more than to have made some

Unsightly bulge

Some of the complaints I've heard about Watch dogs can be solved just by putting your damn phone away. Someone told me they hate how there is so much going on screen at all times, but if you put your phone away and turn off "profile mode" it cleans up a lot of the clutter and you can focus on the more important tasks

But when you think about it, do any of us exist for Playstation?

Ok then, my theory fails. I played it on PC

Was Bastion ever offered for PS+? If it wasn't that might give you an idea of chances of ever seeing Transistor.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who are impressed with the police department's "ninja-like" response time to B&Es

Can we just say that Microsoft pulled a Sony? They got so juiced up on their own hype following the success (in the West at least) of the 360 that they pushed out a new console they thought was what everyone wanted but just didn't pan out because it was clunky and expensive, much in the same way Sony did when they

Oh Boy!

No worse than Axton in Borderlands 2

I agree in that I have a job I love but the pay is pretty lousy (I'm a newspaper reporter).

Also depends on if they are adjusting for inflation or not

Didn't you run a similar story when you were over at IGN UK?

There's no shame in that

Oh how far we have come

As 50 percent of (and the one responsible for) a married couple who can't have kids. These people piss me off

I've been playing it on Vita for awhile now. Thanks to PS4 remote play

Ugh, between Wolfenstein reviews and now this I've seen that comment too many times today.

If it was my wife it would be "Why isn't there more wiener?"