
Here's my issue with Watch [underscore] Dogs. I preordered it waaaaay back in august as The Game I would get with my PS4. Then it got delayed and I settled on AC IV (which turned out to be amazing). Now that Watch Dogs is coming out I still have my preorder but I'm no longer extremely psyched because since then I've

Mine was. "Great. Now I can stream my PS4 to YouTube after all."

Well it's simply not a lot of fun to get destroyed in multiplayer when you're using a controller hooked to your PC vs. the rest of the group playing mouse and keyboard.

Oh don't worry I have a ridiculous gaming PC I use for other things but I"m just not into the keyboard mouse setup. I grew up always holding a controller and that's where I will stay. The only online shooter I play on my PC is Titanfall. I've played plenty of FPS's like Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3 and Spec Ops: The

I'm one of "those people" who jail broke their iphone just for easy (see also: free) tethering. I've never had more than two devices attached at a time and never had any issues

Too bad I sold my PS4 version of the game months ago when I could still get something for it.

Yes. I tried reading the Mass Effect books and I couldn't get into them at all so when characters started popping up in 3 that were in the books I was all "who the hell is this d-bag?" and the internet replied as a whole "duh! he's in the books"

Hope it will be more than 2 hours long unlike a certain other game I know that is meant to tie two major releases together

To this day I still have never played Minecraft

I got this game with my PS4. Wasted about two hours playing it and sold it to a friend. It was pretty but so boring. But I guess that can be expected of a lot of launch games. Spent most of the time with my PS4 playing third party games like CoD and AC IV

If you are near your PS4 you can have the Vita talk directly to it but I turned that feature off (it's in the Vita's settings I think) so it always goes through the router because my router puts out a stronger signal than the PS4 does and if I'm at the other end of my house it doesn't work. A good fast internet

Do I still get to play as a bro? I want to know what it's like to play as the thing I hate the most simply out of jealousy

OS X has all kinds of great little features, but so many of them don't make the back of the box. Whether you've been an OS X user for a long time or you're new to the operating system, here are a few of the best built-in tools you might not know about (or you've just forgotten).

but...but...but...they said it was "required"

The only time I ever saw a need to preorder a AAA game was with Mario Galaxy. It was the last game I had preordered from Gamestop. I went in to pick up my preorder (which came with a commemorative coin for some reason) and there was a mom ahead of me that wanted a copy for her son but they only had enough copies for

Stupid EA not letting me mod the specters to look like Ewoks

Crysis for PC

I work for a newspaper. The official definition of "recently" means anything from a few hours ago to it happened sometime this year.

It really just doesn't bother me that much. I guess I could go for some better battery life but I invested in a 10 foot usb cable for those times when I need to plug in so it's no big deal