
Dunleavy ALSO attached a lovely rider lifted from another pet bill, SB89, that would make it illegal for “abortion providers” (I wonder who he’s targeting with that?) to provide sex education in the schools. Never mind that the districts up here, strapped for cash and teachers, have welcomed the age-appropriate,

Yes!! Thank you! That's a great way of putting it. I had the chance to see both of those strategies play out on the ground over the course of a few years, and guess which one made a difference?

RPCV high five! That anecdote is great, moments like that make the two years worth it.

Sometimes a shirt is just a shirt. And if these shirts are what's flooded the local market (because of the West's "charitable donations"), that's what people will wear. Pity and shock at these "obnoxious" shirts (by whose standards, again?) aren't helpful emotions, they just serve to distance people by begging the

I love all of those sounds, too :) However, it still makes me feel uneasy to consider subjecting a kid to brain surgery and an implant just so they can experience things I think are pleasing (but are not necessary for a fulfilling life). Also, these implants aren't 100% effective - 85% of people hear some

Your opinion is valid, and not uncommon! I'm just going to contribute my two cents in reply.

I know, right? I just sat through a meeting about our AK legislators and their ignorant, eye-roll-worthy comments about... oh, pretty much everything. And how their ill-informed whims will jeopardize important public programs and their funding. :-|

I'm relieved to read your comment, I agree completely. To go further, these color-coded maps (including the women's health map featured a few weeks ago) drastically oversimplify cultural realities that are deep, complex, and frequently don't measure up to the standards set by privileged white folks, often BECAUSE of