John Robie

Why would they put skulls on their uniforms?

I liked the Rocketeer, at the time more for style than anything else, and I like it even more now.

You’d think so but I suspect humans would find some way to fuck it up. The people who’d lose power in such a scenario would do some ugly shit to try to keep it.

A Replicator is something I want to exist, but i want it to have existed for like 2-3 generations before i have to live with it because basically the whole human world is predicated on scarcity, and shaking that up would probably be short-term unpleasant.

This seems like a cop-out answer because it’s what you’re most likely to get.

Thanks, Mitt Romney. 

Yes, I thought of the same thing. 

Always two there are; no more, no less.  

I like this column, I loved Jonathan Fire*eater and the Walkmen. 

Not by the timestamps I’m not, no. 

My level of interest in seeing this movie is So...small

The Corellian Blood-Stripe?

I think it’s kind of cool, in a way, that writers/video performers/artists with incredibly specific niches can find enough of an audience worldwide to allow them to make a living. I suppose it’s an outgrowth of the (generally) positive aspect of the internet that whatever weird thing you’re into, you can find a

I wonder how this will be. This looks like a good cast, but I hate Venom and hate Carnage even more.  

If the right person hacked the teleprompters for Fox & Friends some morning, we could have single-payer healthcare by mid-afternoon.

One of at least 3 Marvel characters whose powerset is basically roofies. The others being Purple Man, and Mandrill (who’s the worst because his mind control specifically works on women).

The lack of credit card support for hat-reaon was a major blow to my artisinal millinery startup.

Honestly, the specificity of repeated behaviors from various celebrity offenders (Weinstein wanting women to watch him shower, Rose wanting to watch from the balcony as women swim naked in his pool, CK masturbating in front of others, etc.) makes it seem like they’re personal kinks and that these dudes have so much

There are so many now, that the various negative reactions to other peoples’ bad non-poligies functions as market testing.

Exactly. Smoking can look cool in visual media because you don’t have to smell it, or smell the smoker afterwards.