
Fun fact: Changing it to rhyme with “Heisman” reverted it back to its proper German pronunciation.

Personally I think a full blown revival is rather needless, but I think a limited series event or a one off like what Ricky Gervais has done could be interesting. Something along the lines of a “where are they now” type followup mockumentary. Otherwise, how could they contrive to get the whole gang back together?

Speaking as a former service member I’m going to say... save it, okay. Save this pointless fawning jingoistic bullshit. Plenty of service people are POS. I met plenty. Frankly, in the all volunteer military the likelihood is HIGHER. A Navy SEAL isn’t some magical exception from being held accountable to supporting bigo

AOC has been quite busy actually, campaigning and engaging the public on issues. Also, she isn’t a racist piece of shit.

I can’t speak for how busy Crenshaw is, but his politics are abominable whenever he does speak, so the original comment was more than fair.

Sorry man. I can let a lot of shit slide from republicans and conservatives but the gloves have to come off. Separating crying babies from helpless refugees has made me cold to the niceties you’d want to cling too. Their racism is a cancer we have to cut out. Anything that ridicules and demeans them is fine with me.

I made the mistake of being willing for one milisecond to give this Crenshaw guy the benefit of the doubt, but one look at his Ballotopedia change quickly remedied that. The dude makes multiple references to “radical leftists”, says abortions are evil, that liberals hate free speech and don’t know how guns work so

It’s shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself liberal.”

What a cool guy he is, taking time from his busy career spreading hate and oppressing the rights of millions of Americans to read some badly written lines on national TV. And this will only further the media push this man has, meaning even more people will be hurt by his policies. Thanks, SNL, for giving bigots a bear

SNL has a point of view. It’s enabling Republicans at every turn.

this is why SNL sucks. Right or wrong just have a POV and own it, you pieces of shit.

I’m glad that the guy who belongs to a white nationalist political party doesn’t have any hard feelings.

Whatever. Crenshaw is a Republican. With one eye, he can still look in the mirror and see a piece of shit.

Um, I do! You have the introduction of Slughorn, the Pensieve and its retrieved memories, Harry Potter high on Felix Felicis, Aragog’s funeral, the introduction of Horcruxes, and Harry and Dumbledore’s trip to the underground lake. It is fantastic and creepy and funny and horrifying. I’d put it second to Azkaban, for

And frankly, his breasts are not at all fantastic. BLATANT false advertising.

Well she would know.

The entire administration is committed to finding ways to dick thumb one over on a regular basis.

How did we go from a Keebler Elf to Lex Luthor as AG? They’re not even in the same fictional universes.

“HAHA! Guys, my dad said he wanted six Giants to be his pallbearers so they could, ‘let me down one last time’!”

Netflix really needs to space these out better. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil are all coming on the heels of each other. Not everyone binges, Netflix!

Id say its the centrist dems who constantly think they can negotiate in good faith with the GOP, hence they move end up moving to the right every single time