
It was pretty cool when they cut him in half. I’d say that’s justified bringing him in. If not, JJ should have had a plan for him instead of introducing a half-assed inconsequential mystery.

I’m pretty sure the tax exemption is required by the constitution and codified in the tax code and treasury regulations only for the sake of clarity. So policy wise the bonds are bad, but the federal government can’t really do anything about it even if it wanted to.

I almost admire the coke-induced hubris necessary to say “I can improve on Tchaikovsky’s music and make a movie based on the nonsensical story of the Nutcracker.”

Snoke gets like one scene in person in both movies, and he gets cut in half in that scene. The only mention Rey makes of her origin in TLJ prior to the reveal is that she’s from nowhere. Then she goes into a cave where we expect her to face her parents and it’s just her. That’s the exact opposite of building up a

The fleets don’t have that many ships (even the biggest fight in Return of the Jedi was less than 50 ships total), so sacrificing a large, hyperspace capable cruiser would only be worth it in extreme circumstances.

I can’t imagine why tv companies are losing market share to streaming services.

Most webjournalism is produced by 22 year old English majors with little real expertise in their subjects. Some turn out to be very good writers, thorough researchers, and insightful, perceptive thinkers. Some crank out 1000 words about how Rudolph is now the hashtag resistance or something who cares no one will read

The tracking system will be useful for letting them know when they’re about to get kamikazed.

I’m trying to figure out what two whole movies built up the mystery. It’s set up in one movie and answered in the next.

I hope Snoke shows up as a force ghost.

Such a form would not be dispositive.

Especially since internet providers and cable providers have local monopolies. This is exactly the sort of market failure that even the most bow-tie-wearing, Milton-Friedman-loving conservative economist dork should approve of. Repealing net neutrality literally benefits less than a dozen corporations. This is so dumb.

1. Hamill missed a chance to drop “Every word that you just said is wrong” on Cruz.

2. The original trilogy was just as political as the recent movies, or more so, but the right wasn’t so obviously ghoulish that it was possible to hide the metaphor. If Kissinger was on Fox News every night, people would have realized

Maybe try watching movies instead of watching marketing.

I don’t think there’s much reason to believe the galaxy had anywhere near as centralized government as we do. Most planets should be fine without the New Republic. The rich on those planets would still be rich.

If somehow Brussels was blown up tomorrow, I guess a lot of people would be scared, but the economies of

It isn’t really a hypothetical as to whether Vader would pay off war profiteers and bounty hunters. (Spoiler alert for a 37 year old movie: he would).

Please don’t even joke about a new, even bigger death star. I don’t even want to think about the fact that JJ Abrams is probably going to do exactly that.

Remember how after 9/11 the president came on TV and told everyone to go shopping and live life like normal or else the terrorists win?

Or how America has seen two huge gun massacres this fall, and the 1% responded by organizing tax cuts for themselves? Just scale that up to a whole galaxy.

Were you waiting for Rey’s parents or for Snoke or Luke during Rogue One? That’s on you

Especially since JJ “mystery box” Abrams is directing IX, and he was the dumbass who tried to make Rey’s parentage a big mystery in the first place.