
If I was actually a maga chud, there would have been random ellipses and capitalization.

Just cause hes literally a Nazi doesn’t mean you can call him a Nazi. This is why trump won. Everyone someone isn’t politically correct or is part of a Nazi aligned party they get accused of being a Nazi. #maga.

The plaintiff dropped the 2014 lawsuit after his attorney fired him. It’s super fishy.

Joke’s on you - the sandwich board would block the crotch kick.

Yes, Disney’s size and power has already had harmful effects on consumers. Giving it more power will have even more harmful effects.

Yeah, they’ll just have all the Disney IP and Fox IP.

I support this.

Also they’ll have a monopoly that will negatively outweigh any benefits you get from the X-Men.

Newspaper spending doesn’t reflect general corporate antagonism. It reflects a few loud corporations. I’d rather those corporations have first amendment rights than not.

States are running red in large part because the democrats did a really shitty job in 2010, which means the GOP got to redraw the lines after the census.

Citizens United going the other way would have done fuck all about Russian-backed Macedonian content farms.

I guess I could have been clearer that I’m only concerned about campaign funding that could possibly be affected by U.S. law. There isn’t anything U.S. law could conceivably do about that, except, perversely,

They can also eat bags of dicks.

Campaign finance isn’t as big a deal as you think. For instance, the better funded campaign did not win in the 2016 presidential election.

I would support this.

I guess ‘W’ stands for “woke” now.

The movie ends up saying that the world is unjust and that the compromises needed to keep it going are so untenable that extinction is preferable.

They should also cast the cgi animals with hand drawn ones.

I was being tongue in cheek.

The boob shaped armor is only because of Wagner. The inclusion of a marvel-ized Wagner character is secretly way more problematic than anything else.

The good 95% are indifferent to the abuses of the 5%.