
Isn’t this mostly a problem of scale?

The government has all sorts of subsidies in place to promote ranching and farming. Ostensibly these are targeted at family farmers, but the subsidies mostly just go to huge corporations. Current policies drive down the cost of meat. If we got rid of these subsidies (especially

All meat is vegetation based. The animal eats vegetation and turns it into meat.

They have 82 home games, not 8. Per game attendance isn’t really an apples to apples comparison.

Yes, because no secular American movies are ever allowed to film in churches.

I can’t find a picture of it, but UN ambassador Nikki Haley was literally wiping away tears during the speech. I do not think they were years of joy.

He’s proud of having rockets! This isn’t even a mocking nickname. “Rocket man” is probably what Kim calls himself. Calling Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man” because you think it will hurt him is like calling Trump “Dangerous Donald.”

“That’s opposed to within the comedy community, where CK’s alleged habit of forcing women to watch him masturbate has been rumored for years. It even surfaced in a Gawker blind item in 2012.”

The rumor has the same amount of validity as it did before, so there’s no reason to stop defaming CK now.

“This game is exactly like every fps I’ve played in the last five years. Also it froze, crashed my computer, killed my dog, and slept with my wife. 9/10"

That’s because games critics are lazy hacks. Games can be unplayable on day 1 and still average a 90 on metacritic.

Luke Cage took a dive when they replaced Mahershala Ali (a good actor) with who the fuck knows (a bad actor) as the villain. These shows rely so heavily on the actors that when they miscast someone (diamondback, Danny Rand) it throws the whole thing off the rails.

I’m skeptical that they can write one narratively plausible ending, let alone multiple.

I’m torn.

Gawker / gizmodo started the rumor, and their business model seems to be “get sued into bankruptcy,” which doesn’t make sense to me either but I’m not an MBA.

It’s when an action scene slows down and then speeds back up to faster than full speed thrn returns to normal speed. It’s obnoxiously overused in 300 and Watchmen, as well as in Snyder’s DC movies. It’s also used a lot in Wonder Woman. It gives everything a phoney, video game-ish feel. I guess certain viewers - maybe

Now imagine the propulsive score without speed ramping.

As long as they don’t bring back the DP or whoever was responsible for all the speed ramping.

1. You don’t have to respond if it hurts you so.

Fair enough. A world where tony stark’s arc reactor provides cheap, carbon-free energy to everyone, or with autonomous iron man suits, or with even a tiny fraction of wakandan technology would quickly be unrecognizable to us.

Tony trying to use his research to help the world at large in non-superhero ways is a significant plot line across the Iron Man movies and Avengers 1 and 2.