
Her whole campaign pitch was that she was the “most qualified” based on the decades she spent shaping the status quo. How could she be angry at it?

In a sane world, no one would ever describe anyone who voted for Iraq as “qualified.” I voted for her as the lesser evil compared to Trump, but her experience in the senate (where she voted to invade Iraq) or as Secretary of State (where she pushed for our half-assed, predictably counter-productive campaign in Libya),

Lagunitas isn’t even brewed in San Francisco. They’re in Petaluma. That’s like saying napa wineries are in San Francisco.

Remender’s run on Uncanny X-Force is fantastic, and Goddard’s work on Angel hits a lot of the same themes as both that and earlier runs of Deadpool (in fact, Angel season 4 borrows a huge chunk of its plot from Deadpool 1-25). This has a lot of potential.

Ivanka calling her father “daddy” is probably the least weird, most normal thing about that family.

Literally anyone would have been better than Scott Buck.

How does Scott Buck fail up like this? Next he’ll probably be offered a $100M blockbuster property, followed by a senate seat.

Marvel / Disney’s most valuable asset is good will. Squandering it on this is incredibly stupid.

I said I almost regret voting for Hillary because apparently centrist democrats still think the key to victory is triangulation and doing what republicans want. We’re not going to help people by signing republican bills in order to avoid getting blamed for them.

Yes, I want the president to veto bad bills. Vetoing bad bills should be the bare fucking minimum baseline.

I forgot that newt Gingrich put a gun to bill Clinton’s head and forced him to sign things. The secret service really shouldn’t let that happen.

I just hope that when this is all over, if there’s still a country afterwards, that the left doesn’t repeat the mistake she of center-right triangulation because that’s what gave us Trump (along with gerrymandering and vote suppression). Clinton and Obama and Clinton tried to out-tough-on-illegals the republicans, and


The whole reason DACA is an issue - the reason there are a million kids here with no path to citizenship - is because of Bill Clinton’s immigration law, IIRAIRA which made anyone who had been here without status for a year and then left inadmissible, and you can’t apply for admission without leaving (with a few narrow

The INA gives an enormous amount of discretion to the executive branch. Deferred action isn’t status, so there aren’t really statutory restrictions on who can be given it.

It’s deeply alarming that the most level-headed person in charge of preventing a potential nuclear war with North Korea is named “Mad Dog.”

I saw Wonder Woman. I liked it, but there was way too much speed ramping.

“Snowflake” makes no sense in the way anyone uses it, which is to mock fragile people. A snowflake might be fragile, but they’re so little it’s not like you can take an individual snowflake and break it. “Snowflake” should be used to mock people who think they’re unique.

Why would Obama create and then rescind DACA?

My civil procedure professor in law school loved using rappers in the hypotheticals and on exams. This is probably very exciting news for him.