
There were two issues that got conflated, I think because of a bad comment system. One guy said that you can’t be sued for defamation for repeating what someone else said. That’s false. Here, they can’t be sued for defamation just for repeating what notaro said, but only because it’s not reckless to repeat it.

Or even just a way to read a comment thread? Showing just top level comments first invites a lot of repetition, which is overall not good for the commenting community.

is there a way to turn off notifications for a comment? Is there a way to mute notifications from non-AVC kinja users?

please tell me more about how recklessness isn’t actual malice. I would like to learn about law in the USA because I do not know about it.

The article also repeats the blatantly false claim that Jen Kirkman accused Louis CK of locking her in a room and forcing her to watch him masturbate, where Kirkman did nothing of the sort.

Conduct that is sexual assault in the state where it happened is sexual assault according to me, and also according to the state where it happened. Sexual assault is really serious, and should be treated seriously.

There’s a whole fucking section of the decision that talks about whether the publisher can just rely on someone else’s reporting if the publisher is aware of probable falsity and the answer is that it can’t.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past year, it’s that no, he isn’t playing 4D chess, he’s just dumb, and no matter how smart your side you’re going to lose anyway.

This season has been dominated by stupid narrative cheats.

Let’s assume NY law applies because CK is domiciled there and that’s where the reputational harm took place and I’m pretty sure gizmodo is headquartered there.

Eclipses happen in a Ptolemaic system too. It’s not like no one ever an eclipse before.

So in the decades before the general public came around on Cosby, 50 women had accused Cosby of raping them.

“I’m a murder clown, and I’m still less of a monster than the kinja programmers.”

You say that now. You’re going to get substantially the same critical reply from dozens of other kinja-site readers who didn’t bother to read any of the other replies.

At least 53% of white women are super fucking racist.

Considering that Trump has sexually assaulted numerous women and bragged about it, “creep” is a step up.

Of course, it is impossible that anyone disagrees with you. I’m being paid to do this. Between my checks from CK and my checks from Soros I’m pretty comfortable.

Thank you for this new insight that is neither repetitive nor wrong. I am always happy for someone from a different country to teach me about US defamation law because I do not know anything about it.

And I come away from this comment thread disturbed that gawker is eager to fabricate claims of sexual assault.

I’ve been an AV Club commenter, sporadically, since they had disqus.