Maybe it was dicey. It isn't now.
Maybe it was dicey. It isn't now.
This is at least conceivably pop culture adjacent. This is still straying from their core competencies, but not as far as most of their politics articles, and they're merely just as bad at reporting on legal news as any other website, whereas their politics coverage is generally worse than politics websites.
Schenk is not good law. The "fire in a crowded theater" exception is not good law.
Do you trust the Trump administration to enforce "reasonable" speech restrictions? As long as we're capable of electing someone like that, it would be insane to give the government more power than absolutely necessary.
It's not a dicier question. It's a unanimously settled question. When even Alito - the most anti-speech justice in at least a generation- thinks a statute violates the first amendment, it's not at all dicey.
Why would anyone want the executive branch enforcing "basic human decency"? Have you seen the assclown that's in charge of it?
There's a whole unanimous section of the opinion addressing the argument that trademarks are somehow government speech.
It casts an insanely wide net without regard for actual recidivism rates. Like every criminal law enacted in my lifetime, it's tough on crime bullshit that doesn't make people safer but it does make rehabilitation nearly impossible.
Sex offenders being allowed to use social media will be great for the comments section.
What does this have to do with the first amendment?
The Slants are a band. That's pop culture.
How do you have a handful of cleavage?
"Piece of shit" is a good bit more polite than that daughter-fucking senescent tangerine nazi deserves.
"Also, I am a cannibal."
Guys did you know one time Emma Stone played a character in a movie who was supposed to be half asian? Now whenever an asian woman is mentioned in any movie-related context whatsoever I have to talk about Emma Stone becuase I'm clever and woke.
Lots of people confess to crimes they didn't commit.
Also, any sincerity or thoughtfulness reads as pretentiousness to these people.
Wages are only a small part of overhead, so a wage increase doesn't result in a 1:1 increase in costs to costumers. Doubling the minimum wage would, for a lot of businesses, raise expenses by less than about 10%, and since expenses are pre-tax, they'd have to rise prices by less than that to keep profits constant. Of…
Of course, noted communist propaganda magazine Forbes is criticizing Trump. This is a real dog bites man story.
Geographically, most of California is just as much "shitkicker" as any other state.