I’m in favor of bail reform.
What did she do about bail when she was a prosecutor? What did she do about bail when she was CA attorney general? She spends her whole career in state government abusing the system just like any other prosecutor, and now, at the federal level (where she can’t do shit about state bail practices) she acts like she…
I’m not surprised that state Attorneys General want colleges to leave in a place a system where the accused don’t have due process rights. If the state AGs fucking did their jobs in the first place, no one would be talking about using colleges as a de facto arm of the criminal justice system.
You don’t get super bowl rings for getting the most yards.
Whoop dee fucking do. Are democrats trying to win the popular vote? Maybe they should try winning elections instead.
Venus was the higher seed. That’s an upset.
They also only cover men’s tennis during majors.
Yeah, I’m sure her age and endurance weren’t factors in her dropping 9 straight games today.
Generally, you can’t have your parental rights completely terminated until at the end of some sort of adversarial process in court. This is a good thing, unless you really think we should allow judges to just take people’s kids away without giving the parents a chance to defend their rights. So it’s probably the law…
If sheer physical power mattered that much, you’d see every other women’s tennis player trying to bulk up too.
Harris knows a lot about racism and mass incarceration and prosecutorial misconduct. There’s nothing she loves more than filling California’s jails with people of color and then defending convictions based on outrageous prosecutorial misconduct. Harris is the poster child for how institutional racism and personal…
Isn’t this what liberals want? I keep hearing that the constitution is a living document and we shouldn’t be restricted by a bunch of dead white dudes from the 18th century.
School administrators are too dumb to grasp felony law, so they can’t be required to report felonies to the cops. These same administrators are capable, however, of investigating and adjudicating sex assault cases.
Haha, cause rape is funny.
The new proposal does not get rid of the penalty for not buying insurance. Insurers have to charge a 30% surcharge for a year to anyone who has a lapse in coverage and then tries to buy coverage. Two months of lapsed coverage under Obamacare costs about $100. Two months of lapsed coverage under Trumpcare costs at…
“a certain type of homogeneity” WINK
That is not how restrictive covenants work.
People don’t join HOAs. I hope no one is in one voluntarily. They’re created when lots are subdivided as part of a covenant that runs with the land. In order to get rid of an HOA, you’d have to buy up all the property that is in privity with other properties in the subdivision (so the whole subdivision) and then…
But that did happen. There was a white guy who helped Solomon get out being a slave.