
I’m sure the higher intelligences (themselves also simulated) running the simulation will find a way to make Musk’s plan work.

Here’s a list of service members whose lives have been saved by the national anthem:

You're a fucking moron.

I like Trump cause he says what’s on his mind. Political correctness is killing this country. Everyone is too sensitive to being offended. Also, if you don’t stand up during the national anthem you should be deported, and I have no sense of irony or self-awareness.

Like they should put up fucking rails around everything that’s dangerous? Not every death is preventable.

Yes, Hillary “super predator” Clinton is going to be really effective going after republicans for dog-whistle racism.

NBC could also focus on the sports part, instead of treating it like a reality show.

It was modern in 1896 when it was introduced to the modern olympics.

Counterpoint: you already gave them $270. They got what they want.

Maybe you shouldn’t have spent $270 for a game that might not even be good and was definitely never going to come out on time. Square’s been delaying this for ten years; what's another 2 months?

Anyone spending $270 for collectibles on a game that they might not even like isn’t exactly trying to save money. Square can safely assume that anyone that desperate to give them money will happily shell out $25 more.

Here’s some free legal advice:

If you commit a crime, you’re not going to help yourself by going to the police and making up a story. Just don’t do it. It’s not going to help you in Brazil or America or anywhere.

What crime did the cops prevent?

“being really fucking sketchy” isn’t a crime. Cops should mind their own business unless they suspect you of a crime.

The law doesn't and shouldn't exist to vindicate your feelings.

Maybe we should just stop having trials for black guys. That would make both racists and #woke liberals happier.

I hope a cop shoots you, and that your final thought is “oh well, better safe than sorry. After all, what if I were a criminal?”

No one has the right to be believed. Credible, corroborated accusations should be investigated. If the evidence shows the accusation is true, then the accusation is true. If it doesn't, it isn't. Problem solved.

That isn’t shoehorning in Phelps so much as it’s praising Biles by comparing her to the greatest swimmer of all time.

Since being an African-American is literally the only thing about her that even the wokest reporters care about, what’s outrageous about this?