Damn, to the Mavs that must’ve felt like a punch to one of their four little stomachs.
Damn, to the Mavs that must’ve felt like a punch to one of their four little stomachs.
Ouch. That Luks like it Hoedt.
Can Deadspin just start calling them the Washington Redhawks from now on?
Enjoy, Browns!
I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.
That’s so cute. Now they both have more rings than the Dodgers.
As a Clippers fan I am really enjoying the way Griffin is playing and will continue enjoying it until his season-ending injury in a few games.
It certainly did me. It has forced me to re-evaluate a lot of my previous interactions with women. It has also made me realize I need to be exceedingly proactive in teaching my son about consent, boundaries, accountability, etc.
I hope this makes some of those “good men” try to remember the things they have forgotten. I hope that realizing you are an unself-aware part of the solution is still part of the problem. It certainly had that effect on me.
Damn, how much more burning can California take?
I’ve spent the last few days overcoming my grief by watching youtube clips of US players to watch for 2022. That and lots of drugs have convinced me we will be the team to beat.
>The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”
He tried to get Jurgen fired in 2013 for clearing out his dead weight buddies. He quit in a snit to find himself. Then he comes back, can’t play 90 anymore but still plants stories in the press saying Jurgen is making it personal by not building the team around his washed up ass. He was a locker room cancer.
This probably has a GREAT deal to do with how Iceland invested in after-school programs for teens to reduce drug and alcohol use, as described in this article from The Atlantic. They funded arts, music and athletic programs, all of which employed adults to teach and mentor the young people. Its success is nothing less…
If they do this, I’m going to be pissed off. It turns Daenerys’s entire journey into a way to make a dude really sad. The show’s made huge strides in how it treats its female characters since its “sexposition” days, and doing something like forcing Jon to sacrifice Daenerys would take it right back to the worst and…
I will point out one acceptable MLS name, Oscar Pareja. He’s familiar with the system, but not originally from America, and has shown with FC Dallas that he can nurture young talent and work on a shoestring budget (which, relative to the rest of the world, the USMNT is on). He’s not my first choice (Hi Bielsa!) but…