
It’s not a WHIM. People who have abortions that late are doing it because of pretty severe problems, and are the ones who most in need of quick medical care without arbitrary delays and moral shaming from people who have NO IDEA what they are talking about.

Can I ask why you, and so many others, are so opposed to “career politicians”? I mean to some extent I understand that we are taught to see most politicians as disingenuous and corrupt, and sure some are. But politics is the only profession I know of where experience is seen as a negative. The Clintons might be at the

As opposed to what, the truly poor, heavily-minority states? Because their votes are somehow of lesser value? Your comment is exactly why many of those people do not support Sanders. He and his supporters claim to be for the underdogs while somehow still maintaining an elitist, arrogant attitude.

To me this issue is one of the biggest problems with our current political system- the personality it takes to be a good campaigner is often at odds with the personality to actually be good at governing. Someone like Obama, who is good at both, is pretty rare.

Yeah, WCW are leaving because the Democrats insist on allowing black men, and even the occasional female, to be considered potential leaders of the party...personally I don’t care to pander to WCW and their racist, sexist view of the world.

Why is this a surprise? Oklahoma is hella white, and so are most of Bernie’s supporters. Sure Clinton won there by a big margin in 2008, but that was when the other candidate was Obama- a black man in a largely white state, whose residents aren’t exactly known for their enlightened views on race...

At first glance I thought it said self-centered startup. which also sounds about right

and by worked hard he means went to a cushy college, likely paid for by his parents, where he spent most of his time drunk and trying to hit on the female students, and now has been working in a “cool” startup, that I’m sure provides a really valuable service of some kind without which society as we know it would

But I am a Tech God and am saving the world!!!!! I shouldn’t have to see pain!

And let’s be honest- voting for Hillary because she is a woman is still more sensible than say, people who want to vote for Trump because he’s rich (i.e. “successful”) or Sanders because he isn’t a woman.

THANK YOU. I am so tired of being told time and time again that “women’s issues” aren’t as important as the other more “real” issues, that we ALWAYS need to be the ones to compromise and are the first to get sold out for the “greater good.” IT IS OKAY TO PUT OURSELVES AND OUR NEEDS FIRST, even if we are “just women”-