
You hate mayeather dont you? his kids still love him though. I think he should pay her.. he is worth 400 million..whats 20 million?

Floyd is a money machine.. 20 million is a drop in the bucket.

Actually he doesn’t..if he did he would be broke.. Instead.. I exoexr floyd to be a billionaire in 5 years..

Floyd is use to the rabble going against him...

She still has to win... But I thin k floyd should pay her... She is trying to gain independence from him... He should pay her.. Out of court and away from the media ...he he owes it to her... 20 million is a small price to pay for a guy who worth worth half a billion dollars.

They already went to court and sentenced floyd with it..3 years ago.

Yes he was there... Cheering in his undefeated dad... You might hate floyd but his son loves his flawed father.. And you can bet that he doesn’t mind the life style either..

The kid that wrote the statement and called floyd was there cheering on his father as floyd advanced to 48-0-0. His kids still love him even though he is flawed and they are all rich thanks to their father. I think floyd should pay her more than 20 million. He should give her a cool 200.. And throw in a gag order.

He is worth 400 million dollars.. He should pay her triple what she asks for..... Floyd’s clothing line alone can pay for her damages...

Trust me , writers have figured out that if you mention floyd mayweathers name he will get a lot of people attention.

Where are the pictures of this viciously beaten women?? Why is Floyd being asked about something that happend 5 years ago??? Why does it matter? Why should I care for his problems? I have my own.. Why is his life so much more important than mine that I should care about his issues with these women from so many years

"Property has three basic characteristics: It can be purchased; it can be controlled by its owner; and it can be disposed of when it is no longer needed" And that is why your article will land on deaf ears. Floyd is owned by no one.. unlike an NBA player... he belongs to NO organization.

Good article but his personal life has nothing to do with his career......especially when he is his own boss.. he does not work for any one but him self. and the product he sells is him beating on people ......ironic. You cant dictate how much he gets paid based on his personal behavior because he doesn't work for