
I silly banded mine, and now I'm the hottest shit at the lunch table!

@Saeten: You also probably saw the cartoon which gave you a nice visual as to why the sun is rising earlier.

@Avinant: Balls and a low bank account :-P

This is why I'm still using a Powerbook G4 as my main computer. I'm holding out for the newest, bestest, prettiest, magicalest, applest product of all time!!

@muyoso: I've used it with TomTom and talking on bluetooth, and checking an email while on the phone with someone, and checking show times of a movie, and checking a facebook message, and..

I'm just curious to see how they deal without being able to use voice and data at the same time.

What's that little speck on the bottom right?

I just got an Apple TV.

@yearofthe: This sign just completely makes me want to touch the edges to see HOW sharp they are!

@Jeff: Notice most of the trucks are rentals. It really grinds my gears when people rent trucks and don't know how to drive them!

@jpaugh: It's there just keep pulling the body down and eventually you get a top view of the head

Clearly this video is fake! Where's the line of crossing Catholic school children with their Nun chaperones, and a mother duck with her ducklings?

Where's the instructables on building one of these?