
I’m gonna have go full necromancer and bring this annoying nonsense back.

I wish I could live in Iowa where this shit was my biggest problem.

The FJ was a GEM in toyota’s otherwise vanilla lineup of nap inducing cars. How could you

Threadjacking: why do Alissa Walker posts get so much love on Jalopnik?

Serious answer. I have kids. I don’t feel like paying for Plex’s subscription to have password protected content so they can’t get in to it. My kids have access to their movies/shows via Plex, for everything else, I use Airflow.

Why would anyone use this over Plex? Serious question.


When I moved there from Colorado, I immediately got a 260,000 mile Mercury Grand Marquis and it was perfect for swallowing potholes.

I thought I was the only crazy Californian (from LA) to move here, good to know I’m not alone!

Welcome to Metropotholitan Detroit. Where the quality of the road surface can be seen from space:

Now why on earth did you move to Detroit? Out of all the cities in America, you chose Detroit?

I went to Detroit 6 years ago. The first thing I noticed was- holy shit, I’ve never seen such a concentration of American cars. Makes sense seeing as that’s the bread and butter though.

That’s what the lakes are for

Well said. People there really do run to the suburbs just to piss on the city. It’s bizarre, I’ve never seen such a huge gap formed in just a span of a few blocks (cough, Grosse Pointe, cough cough).

Probably one of the better articles I’ve read lately.

I have a few friends who live in Detroit, and aside from the lack of safety in some neighborhoods, the city has a rich history and culture. Everyone is super nice and I absolutely love my visits.

Also, whomever says they can get around any city in MI, or OH without

As someone who grew up in Michigan, is the grandson of a Ford retiree, has an uncle who is still with Ford, a father and two other uncles who put themselves through college by working at Ford stamping, and a father-in-law who was a lifer at AC Delco, when I bought a Toyota, I heard about it.



This list needs more Tarantino...