I prefer ground tents for the extra space and lower center of gravity, but I get the desire to be up high and set up in seconds. Are we anti cool factor on this website now though? I thought that was like 90% of what this is, haha
I prefer ground tents for the extra space and lower center of gravity, but I get the desire to be up high and set up in seconds. Are we anti cool factor on this website now though? I thought that was like 90% of what this is, haha
Interesting the reactions I’m seeing to a hobby that is essentially: help your friends make it to the middle of nowhere and drink some beers in tents we probably paid too much for. Sometimes you gotta Glamp it up a bit to convince your significant other to spend a weekend in the woods, but spending money to upgrade you…
NP because the people that like these, love them. On paper they are a worse 4 Runner, but there’s something about owning an adult power wheels that makes me smile every time I get in it. “Baby” however won’t baby, so I do see a 4 Runner or old LC in my future...
interesting... wonder if I could leverage this to not be tent camping between a bunch of mobile homes
Yup, all three ‘07 MT! The middle child picked up one in 2010 in SF, and I loved it so much I got one for myself when I moved to Detroit. He moved to San Diego, so when the youngest graduated and moved home to SF he decided to complete the trifecta. We all wanted manuals, the color and year was coincidence. Not…
This happens in my FJ more than I’d like to admit. The thick vertical A-pillar blocks pedestrians approaching the crosswalk in some situations. Luckily it isn’t a stealthy vehicle, but I’ve got in the habit of moving my head around to check my blind spot when I come to an intersection
I had bad results with the Wildpeaks on my FJ in snow... They were 305s though, which is way too wide. Just put on some BFG KO2s and my stopping distance is noticeably better. It’s nice not having to switch tires when it gets slick
Most of this design can be fixed by cutting off the body color in front of and behind the wheels.. and that hatch is pretty sweet
supposedly the “J” in FJ stands for Jeep. Its the best of both worlds really.
Ha, I’m making this exact trip (Troy to Moab) in July! Wish I could offer advice, but it’ll be my first trip. I look forward to seeing how bad of an idea this is.
I’ve never considered my FJ practical. Practical would be something with good fuel economy, rear doors that work and a DLO you can see out of. The FJ was toy and I really hope they keep it that way. there are already plenty of practical options out there.
I was intrigued by the “wide angle lens” , which I love on my G5, so I did some research on it. Turns out it’s almost the same viewing angle as the last one with a 28mm lens and a 56mm telephoto as the second. The G5 has a 28mm with a 18mm wide angle. Someone who understands lenses better please correct me.
“ASSHOLES drive Jap cars”
Nailed it. I also derive a small pleasure from watching my fullsize friends try to operate the rear doors.
It does have have way too much personality to be a Toyota
Brace yourself for Buster Hugs