Very, considering there are not many of them out there so it would be difficult to find another player to party with.
Very, considering there are not many of them out there so it would be difficult to find another player to party with.
They have plenty of successful things, like how Fallout First is hot garbage, how Bethesda will sell you idea’s that their player base hoped they would get for free, countlessly breaking their game, burning down their dwindling player base by banning people that were trying to help.
Hell have you played Phantasy Star Online 2? There are boob sliders and outfits that make female characters look damn near nude (I play a Phantom cast aka dude robot)
It’s one of those jokes you tell your drinking buddies, but not to the general public, especially if it involves sexual acts towards children.
Yup, gotta sell them expensive pieces of crap!!! I wouldn’t be surprised that these “bugs” aren’t really bugs but ways to force players to spend more money. I feel like they are going to release an item that will temporarily solve the reduced armor problem for real money.
For me it’s Terraria. I’ve bought that game for my PC, my PS Vita, my 3DS (when my Vita broke), and then PS4 (it was on sale) so I could have couch co-op.
And at least Minecraft is a game that isn’t bad for the culture and the community and it’s not an offensive game. Unlike Fortnite, a game that creates a bad term such as “Defaults” when kids can’t get the latest skins and get made fun of.
I think plaintiff paid the person who bought the character for $552 since he was also ripped off by the defendant. Though I personally think both the Plaintiff and the defendant should of paid the guy who bought the character.
Don't worry, only the players reporting this will get banned. The griefers will get no punishment. Why would they? They aren't exploiting anything that gives them free stuff.
The problem is (and this is 2K also) that most triple A companies don’t have good faith in anything except money. Considering 2K has more than enough money, they could release a neat offline patch before the end of the game, but this is 2K who only cares about squeezing as much money out of their customers as possible.
Yeah there is a lot of legal stuff that makes it nearly impossible for public servers to be made as much as I would love to have those options. Games like Fallout 76, Anthem, etc games that cost a base price just to play and not even have a offline option is just insane especially for at least $60 USD.
I can’t imagine playing Thumper on Stadia. For anyone that hasn’t played it, it’s a rhythm game that requires crazy precise timed button presses that would be impossible to play especially at the later levels. Great game though.
If I got into 2K’s social account i would say something like “2k apologizes for the strong monetization and loot boxes that we have implemented into our games. We at 2k strive to make the best experience and will remove all predatory microtransactions from now on.”
Replacing the original “Gangster’s Paradise” song with music that actually makes sense for a Sonic movie makes it look better too.
I like this movie because how insane it is. Yes it is bad, yes it has nothing to do with its source material, and yes it almost killed a few actors, but the movie is really fun to watch..
Yyeah I still want an explanation from Blizzard for that response, but we will never see one.
So basically you’re saying you are ok with companies punishing people for their right to show their support for their freedom when an oppressive country is killing his or her people, that you support China act of suppression, and that you dislike when people get mad (you should quit the internet, maybe life too) and…
I still would like a proper explanation about the response they sent to China saying the are willing to defend their country...
I'll be honest and say I do enjoy the exploration. Running around and seeing the world Bethesda built interests me. However that was months ago. Being 165 and having some of the most power weapons in the game (I have a max level Two-Shot Explosive anti Scorched 50 call that does 175 damage per shot and a Quad…
I have a feeling Bethesda is going to pull back on their promise to have all DLC free...