
Yeah.....God forbid people make sarcastic jokes online. 

Well the Hornets are basically punting for a few years. Maybe he could come there and make them at least watchable without killing their lottery pick status.

More than half the people in Hollywood are self serving garbage that I dislike, but they sure can be entertaining.

Or, you know, how about stop making these trucks MORE EXPENSIVE THAN MY HOUSE!!! I am not poor. But there's no way on this Earth I can spend the kind of money they want for these trucks. It's gotten out of hand. I don't know how anybody that's not rich or close to it can afford one. It might as well be a Lamborghini

Look, im all for freedom including in the gaming and online world. But c'mon man. There's some lines you just shouldn't cross. If anything, they at least shouldn't have called it "rape day" and probably should have just marketed it as an open free concept game even if they left that in the game. On the other hand

Yeah, part of the problem was that the idea of this happening was incredibly believable. It's not like it was some outlandish thing impossible thing. I even had to monitor my 5 year old for a few days to make sure myself. Parents can't be too safe these days, there are some real sickos out there doing far worse and

Ok, I admittedly don't know much about the problem. But I heard that baseball is transitioning to "pay for current worth" instead of "pay for past feats". In other words, they don't want to break the bank for an older player just because he USED to be an all-star. In turn, that means that free agents stay free agents

Man, I don't care what gender you are or identify with, it's a fracking video game. It's frivolous. And I love video games. But if something bothers me about it that much I wouldn't play it. Problem solved. Just like if there's a tv show that I don't like I don't watch. Or radio show I don't listen to. Get it?

I mean...I watch it. A ton of Twitter followers I comment with watch it. It's just missing out on big names, which is understandable.

As a regular sodaholic I'll tell you it's ALL bad. It's hard not to drink it once you're addicted and I definitely am addicted. 

Theres a big difference in "hating" than not promoting. If you are a Christian and you follow the Bible then Homosexuality is a sin, period. Doesn't mean they hate you because you are gay. If you commit any sin it doesn't mean they hate you. But they aren't going to say homosexuality is just peachy great and not a

The fact that they looked at Will Smith's version of the genie and said, "Yeah, this looks good." Makes me want to go to Disney and apply for a job. Because it's obvious they hire anyone. You don't even have to be good, just show up.

Pretty much agree. If you are a Christian you aren't going to be ok with homosexuality anymore than any other sin. So, stop asking people who you know are Christian what they think about homosexuality. It's like asking a Democrat what they think about Trump and being shocked by the answer.

Being a Christian doesn’t mean you don’t sin anymore #1. #2, if you are a true Christian and you follow the Bible then you believe homosexuality is a sin. But also you must realize that your #1 job as a Christian is to love everybody. My job isn’t to condemn someone for being homosexual. But if you ask a Christian if

I have two daughters. Louis CK is funny. Sorry that he may not be funny to you but to tons more he is. He still sells out venues. If people didn't think he was funny they wouldn't go, plain as that. If that happens, so be it. But you and others on here don't have to see him. Just like if you were an accountant, I

If it wasn't funny or supposed to be funny then comedians wouldn't tell it. If nobody laughed, they probably wouldn't tell it again. Louis CK and plenty of other comedians that use cringe humor are funny. This is not new, he has been one of the most popular comedians over the last 10 years and even before that has

You're mostly correct. Nobody owes him a career. But it's a problem when people actively try to prevent him from seeking his personal redemption. If somebody doesn't like him now, fine. Turn the channel/station, don't go see him. 

Its a joke that you're trying to break down as a serious statement. It may be factual but it's still a joke and probably not exactly his actual reasoning behind doing it.

But why do you or anyone else care if he comes back or not? So YOU don't like him so nobody should? Who are you to tell me not to think he's funny. That's perfectly fine that you don't like him. But why are we so consumed with stopping people from having a second chance or whatever when they screw up? If more and more

You people in here are really freaking stupid. EVERYTHING is up to make fun of or nothing is. If it's not funny, they won't tell it anymore after a while. Yes, a big part of it is saying stuff that you don't say normally. He's saying that's the whole point of HIS comedy. He's always performed comedy like this. There's