
I think what she's trying to get at with the "there's so many other things" comment is that people have gone too far with punishment. In other words, he's pretty much done as far as what he was. His career is over as far as the level of Fame he had. But he's still a comedian and he's trying to work and live. But

Damn. What the fuck has happened to this country? You know what happened when people said or did something stupid and apologized for it? Back not to long ago everyone else just said "cool, whatever" and MOVED ON WITH THEIR LIVES. Now it doesn't matter if it was intentional or unintentional, people want to make them

Thats beside the point. It doesn't matter. We're not talking morally we're talking legally. Obviously murder is not the same as let's say stealing. But if you break the law, serve your time, you are considered rehabilitated and your debt to society paid. After that you are allowed to pursue a living the same way

Thats the problem with a lot of this. You can't just throw around words like deranged like it's the diagnosis. He's not crazy. There's nothing wrong with him physically or mentally as far as anyone knows. You just don't like him and some of the ways handles his business. I don't care for him personally but it's not

Yea, that's a good idea. Just keep going after people or entities for being Republican. That's a good idea, that will really get people to your way of thinking. Threatening them, intimidating them on the street or when they're out eating dinner. Yea, that's how you get people on your side, bully them. The fact that

What a bunch of entitled assholes in here. The cops are assholes?!? How about don't walk up to the cops trying to get a cab ride from them. This ain't Mayberry you dumb fucks. He wasn't Otis coming in from a bender. This is real life where cops have jobs that don't envolve being your personal transportation when

Look. I'm a Christian and everything, but you can't do that. The pharmacist is an idiot. No matter what your personal beliefs are, you are working for a company that fills prescriptions written by a Dr. It's none of your business why and it's not your concern about anything else other than the prescription being legal

Why do people keep bringing Trump in on this? Just because he weighed in on his thoughts wwaaaayyyy after it was already a thing? The decisions of the league were already in motion. The NFL has disliked Trump for decades already. Stop trying to find more things to blame on the guy, it's unnecessary. This was about

Thats some real professional writing, I must say, for a senior writer. Good job proving who is and who isn't a whiny little baby. 

You know, what ever happened to when people said something stupid we just said oh well and moved on with our lives? Now, its life or death news.

Well that's a big ol F U from a fat white guy with a goatee who's not racist. 

The implication is there is a racist element but there isn’t. All these neighborhoods and trailer parks have neighborhood watches and it doesn’t matter what color you are, if they don’t know you and you’re caught looking into places they will call the cops on you. I’ve unfortunately learned this from experience.

Ok so look, I get that when someone is talking ‘USC’ on a national scale that they’re most likely talking about Southern Cal. I get that. But me being from South Carolina and them talking about SC beating out Georgia, my mind went to it being about South Carolina. It was also on my news feed and since that targets my

Ok this is more of a response to some of the comments here and not the story. If I said “all black people are bad and nothing but a bunch of things” it would not only be racist but also incorrect. Not everybody that goes to jail is black, not every black person is a criminal or bad or whatever. We all know that and

Roseanne, the original and this one, represents middle America. Not far right. Not far left. Middle. That’s what most Americans are. Im one too. I am not liberal, but there’s many things I agree with on a liberal front. I’m also about conservative values too and traditionalism. I think this is exactly what Roseanne is

As a Braves fan I was certainly routing for him and was glad they gave him a pretty fair shot. The idea that maybe he could have a “one last hurrah” type of season and really kill it one more time was definitely intriguing and at very low risk was worth it. Bottom line was he just couldn’t hit anymore, at least it

Many of you people commenting have won the internet. I salute you as I’m proud to be a part of it (sheds a tear).

And we’d never know that ‘HE’S DA MAN’ if they did that.

Ok pookie.

I got an idea. How about ask people not to be dicks? Model concept. Of course they will be though. These are the same people that 15 years after Steve Austin got the whole crowd to say “WHAT” after every sentence, they still do it. After anyone else that talks. It makes you want to hurt people.