
You should really read up to see if a place has a “get this” item on the menu. A few examples. There’s a pizza place near me that’s called Can-Am pizza (short for Canadian American pizza). If you order a normal pizza from there it’s fairly mediocre... what you don’t know unless you read up about the place is that they

Some how every time I use an action skill w/ Zane his shield pops... I can’t figure out if this is a bug or part of the skill tree I missed.

I paid off all my debt, and moved from using my debit card to a credit card which pulled my score under 800. It’s annoying, but I don’t expect to apply for a loan any time soon so my score doesn’t matter.

I really don’t think they can recycle Assassin’s Creed anymore than they already have.

I like Milky Ways but they are clearly the worst of this bunch.

My next pick would be the M&M’s. While they’re more popular they’re also the most basic since it’s just chocolate w/ a candy coating.

Alcoholism is a disease, but it’s the only one you can get yelled at for having.

I reluctantly voted NP... it’s in good shape, requires very little work, and isn’t outragiously priced. If you want the car it’s worth the buy, but the problem is who wants this car? it doesn’t really have the appeal of a classic collector cars nor is it a car that many people would be nostolgic for.

When ever I hear somebody say raisins are “healthy” I wonder what sort of mixed up dietary advice they have gotten over their life. Raisins though they have nutritional value are still mostly sugar so anything outside of a few oz is going to be bad for you especially if you eat other sweets.

I think there needs to be a scientific study that this is actually a benefit to everybody. The 40 hour work week was realized when they did a study and found there was no use paying people past 40 hours because they would be less productive overall despite working more hours.

I never really thought I’d ever relate so much w/ Johnathan Davis of Korn....

If this is true we’re screwed.
Individuals tend not to make major changes unless they can see direct results (or believe they can). It’s more likely that climate change will directly impact our diets (droughts, floods, polar vortexes, heat waves) before we change them at the individual level.

It’s not does he know what holding is... it’s does he know how not to get caught? NFL linemen are holding every damn play, but they know how to make it look like they’re just blocking... I guess Elway can’t really say that though it would look bad.

yeah I thought there was something about mcdonalds fries being fried twice, but couldn’t remember the details.

I feel like the buy option is gonna be the best financially, but it really depends on how badly he’s getting screwed by the lease.

A bakery would never try to market something called Fentanyl Cake” yeah but they would market Smack Cake because it’s a pretty good name... the fact nobody has come up w/ a better name for crack pie pretty much proves offensive or not offensive it’s the most effective term as far as marketing goes.

Dress codes have always been a form of discrimination.

It’s a misnomer that Uber sells rides at a loss. The company is losing money because of high operating costs. The company has $1.5 billion left over after paying their ride costs which I think is plenty for general operating costs, but Lyft has similar operating costs so maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not the one running a

I was tempted to say CP since there were a few changes to the stock setup, but looking into it seems like they were general improvements to the car.  It’s not showcar ready, but niether is the price.

I look at this as more of a take a look at where you’re spending your money. Little things add up. You don’t need to stop, but you should be aware.

We didn’t have this problem until airlines started charging $30 a bag for check-in... it’s just a matter of time before they start charging for carry on luggage also.