
Most of the “froot” cereal genre is just awful, but most people will eat anything if it has enough sugar.

So it’s basically $30k for a body kit? I’m estimating you can find a good RX-7 for $10k and import a body kit from RE-Amemiya for $5k and pay somebody $3k to install it.

Basically what I’m saying is you can pay for somebody to build you a custom car like this (w/ the options you want) for under $30k. I’d rather not pay

Mirroring doesn’t just apply to repeating their order back to them though. Mirroring can also be applied to body language, reactions, clothes, haircuts, terminology, and just about anything a person uses to identify themselves.

If you’re asking what region has the best pizza it’s probably the Midwest if you’re using the census region areas, or number 7 if you’re using the federal reserve banking regions. This area ends up being a gold mine for pizza diversity. Not only do you get a lot of good copy cat styles of pizza across the country you

When I was visiting Tokyo I was surprised at how usable the trains were if we just avoided rush hours. I checked Tokyo rent prices and it’s still cheaper than NY, SF, or Seattle (but not by much). So those aren’t exactly demerits in my opinion, and well worth it since Tokyo is a really amazing city. My demerits would

I was going to recommend this book also. It’s does a really great job addressing that drawing is a mental skill and doesn’t actually take any physical talent (if you can draw a straight line you have the dexterity needed to draw). You can learn to draw and it’s not really any different than driving, or learning a new

I don’t think a health disclaimer is needed, but I think it’s good to include resources for those to get help that need it. Gambling, drinking, drugs, depression, video games, obesity, or whatever if it’s something that people have a problem w/ then there should be a disclaimer on getting help.

Ok so worse case scenario engine, and/or transmission needs completely replaced, maybe along w/ some other minor repairs. Is that going to be more than $30k in repairs? Similar Vipers in so-called good condition go for $50k regularly.  Even in dire condition you’re probably breaking even.  W/ a bit of luck you’re

My understanding is this product won’t appeal to people who don’t eat meat because it’s indistinguishable from meat. Like when I say I don’t eat hot dogs and the person says “these are kosher all beef red hots” you can dress it up all you want they still taste like hot dogs which I don’t eat.

Rappers” giving away promotional material, and then asking for a donation. They even autograph it to you personally & say they can’t use it now & demand money. Surprised to see them out there still after all these years.

Always amazes me the number of pedestrians that pay zero attention to their surroundings. Driving it makes sense you’ll survive 90% of accidents cause you’re in a giant cage. As a pedestrian everything protecting you is gonna hurt if you survive.

In the US drinking water tends to be a publicly funded resource so profiting off it can be seen as using public funds/resources for personal gain.  I know this sounds dumb when you know plenty of other people profit from the government, but typically those are gated, and registered.

In my opinion pushing away non-customers is always bad business. If they’re such a nuisance on pop-up night don’t have a pop-up night, but my guess is the pop-up nights bring in a lot of business so you don’t want that. You want to eat your cake and have it too. You can’t sell tickets to a movie and be mad people

If you’re still eating you shouldn't receive the bill unless you asked for it. That I can see customers taking issue with. 

I feel like thr timing of dropping off the check is more important than picking up the receipt.  As long as it's signed and you're not grabbing for it then I don't see a problem.  Anything that would cause a problem with the customer I feel like would have been caused by dropping the check off too early.  Personally

I think it shows how poorly reviewed calls are handled in sports. There’s really no reason to cart out a TV to an on field referee, or a coach to throw a flag. Just have a dedicated review team ready to overturn calls or discuss with the on field officials, or coaches.

So here’s my take. Actors like Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, and Heath Ledger are good actors even if the movie is bad. Other actors like Affleck, Leto, and Clooney have done good work, and bad work depending on the movie. Then you have actors that are just always bad no matter what (looking at you Arnold).

This sort of business mentality started when an airline learned it could save millions by not putting olives on their salads. Other airlines followed suit and now we’re paying extra for checked bags, and emergency exit rows for 3 inches of leg room. Typically you want to research heavily into the surrounding factors

Typically I’ve found ordering in the local language a good way to get something extremely spicy.

I feel like this journey should start at Nick's in Indiana, through central Illinois, and into Iowa. I’d be very curious to learn about the variations of this sandwich in each area.