
I feel like Potato Oles tend to be a bit too salty overall... which is not something I say often.

So here’s my take. The restaurant is not denying a customer it’s blacklisting a professional reviewer. Typically blacklisting is legal, but tends to be pretty shady.  So while the restaurant is within their legal rights the reviewer could have easily called them out about it. 

I hate these social situations. As a host I don’t care if you take back what you brought... somethings I’d probably prefer you take w/ you.

As a guest I tend to just ask, are you gonna use this, or is it just going to go to waste?  I tend to get a pretty straightforward answer most the time.

Last year I booked an Easter flight home to see family. My Grandma got terminally ill just before, and I had to make an emergency trip on another airline. The next week I called Alaska to let them know I wouldn’t be flying out as I’m already there, but would still need the return flight. They credited 1/2 my ticket

I always surprises me when businesses don’t understand basic pricing structures. Prices are based of what people are willing to pay, not what they cost. If they’ll pay $50 for a $10 pizza you charge $50 not $15. If people are only willing to pay $5 for a $10 milkshake you either cut corners till you have a $4 shake,

This reminded me of arguing with the McDonald’s drive-thru that my shamrock wasn’t green, and him saying it’s a shamrock shake, and him being wrong... it was dark and I gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was the lighting. Sometimes you may need to stop supporting shitty businesses. If they can get an

They do this so they don't have to adjust,  and localize currency for every region the game is released in.

So the article seems to meld a few things together as being fired, and doesn’t quite explain them. There are essentially 3 ways to have a gap in employment. First is fired, second is laid off, and third is leaving. When a potential employer contacts your previous employer typically they only reply with 2 answers:

Getting a table might not be the issue, but rather crowds triggering his PTSD.

Now I’m really curious to the details of why he needed to get to the airport. This guy sounds like a real life version of Jason Statham on/in Crank.

Can we just abolish tipping all together? Put the responsibility on the owners and managers to do their job and make sure their staff is properly compensated with a living wage.

Pineapple is a poor topping because it only goes with Canadian bacon, and practically nothing else.  Also you can't just use any pineapple or Canadian bacon it had to be just the right flavor, juicyness, salty, smokey, chewy to pull it off.

In Seattle many of the churches fly LGBT flags, and come to pride parades to show acceptance... but I’ve never been to any of them so I can’t say they’re actually LGBT friendly, or just using it as marketing. They could be the “hate the sin not the sinner” types, but I assume most aren’t.

As much as I love them, they are just scraps.  Also becoming stupidly expensive scraps.

Here’s the thing about drunk patrons... sometimes they undertip you, and sometimes they overtip you. It comes w/ the territory.

Also how badly did you undertip? If it’s 10% on a $500 bill for a table that’s no fuss then I don’t think they mind.

In high school I had a friend who looked about 5+ years younger than the rest of us. So obviously we made him order off the kids menu if we were spotting him.

I was super excited about this event, but I also have trust issues. So I scoured the internet to find out about Rock Star Beer festivals. Over all it seems most people are not happy w/ their events. The on going themes seem to be over-crowded, understaffed, and disorganized.

It’s all fun and games until your station gets hit with a defamation lawsuit.

I agree with the franchisees on this. Also if you look at all your top “fast casual” food chains many have zero wall so customers can see exactly how their food is prepped.

Since few people seem to know the difference.