Don’t hold your breath.
Don’t hold your breath.
Just what this chaotic week needs; another ignoramus weighing in with all the ‘insight’ his willful ignorance, bigotry and stupidity affords his worthless ass.
Right; because injustice should never see the light of day in your country.
As opposed to inherently bad?
You’re not a monster, you’re human; so are your detractors.
That isn’t the point; NONE of those children were.
You seriously don’t see how your outrage is actually misplaced here?
Crikey; does Senor Spielbergo know about this? she accepting write-in ballots?
Aren’t we all just ‘sharks’ from The Life Aquatic?
‘There are some days when I would give almost anything to command the Stargazer again.’
‘That’s a two-footer.’
No, voting for Hillary instead of Trumpenvile is NOT like supporting a double murderer or greasy grotesque grifter.
If he can’t tolerate campaigning for her, he isn’t voting for her.
The decision is made; the consequences come now.
Mama don’ play dat.
Those Bernie-bots aren’t listening to anyone but Dear Leader and that creaking jackass was on CNN this morning telling them the revolution goes on and he won’t endorse HRC and won’t be campaigning for her.
That might be admirable any other year than Trumpocalypse 2016.