
i saw my first one in the wild today. it was dark grey, not offensively ugly. i was on my bike at a crosswalk, waiting to cross. the light of the street i wanted to cross turned yellow, the corvette was maybe 200 yards from the intersection. the old guy driving gunned it and accelerated to about 70 in a 40 zone,

Does a lion hunt down bran flakes? I don’t think a Corvette’s natural prey is a Prius. Maybe horses, cats, and bulls, but certainly not a Prius. If I ever saw someone in a Vette wanting to race or otherwise harass a Prius, I would consider them the lowest level of garbage. 

Thanks for making up for the lack of model name-related puns in the title.

Here’s what you need to work on and you’ll be set for a good long while...

Wait, I am doing this wong

First of all, we’re talking about mine here. And in mine, you eat, you smoke, and you fuck... Maybe, idk if there is room for that in those dumb cars really :D

But you’ll get hotter babes with a Ferrari. I think.

Eating in a Ferrari?

I wish more of us would focus on the journey vs the destination.

She’s just been passed around. But if she’s clean, pretty and healthy, who cares right ;)

Your statement is quite true, but there are a few of us who still drive for enjoyment, and that’s why we’d happily pick up a used Ferrari with the gated manual. Or any other “purist” vehicle.

Serious question: why haven’t more cars featured this, if it is so desirable? Would a Miata be better still with a gated shifter?

If only this was the 456 Venice instead. Nothing can top a 90's Ferrari wagon. Yes there were only 7 made so it would have a couple zeros tacked on to this price but it’s just a thing of long roof beauty...

Old shifters were so freaking cool.
The weirdest part being, I really don’t understand how 99% of them nowadays are covered in plastic and useless leather when the bare minimum metal ones looked 10x better...
Is it because crumbs get in there and it’s dangerous ? I really don’t understand...

I’m a simple man. I see this and click “Nice Price.” You can keep all the rest of the bullshit to yourself.

Honest question: how much does it cost to maintain a Ferrari of this era?

Livid. Like that jeep face.

how about these??
aftermarket smiley bumpers

Torch, how would you feel if they put angry brows on the windshield, rather than the headlights?