and that papers were shuffled and this was forgotten.
He could have approached from the right lane waaay over speed limit. I’ve driven quite a few miles where I’ve seen people going +1 mph over the speed limit with the intent to pass and holding up a lot of cars. So the Camaro could have came in hot, passing cars in the left awaiting to pass the truck. A lot of what ifs…
#TDIproblems for me haha
Always felt that trains made sense in Europe due to the shorter distance between cities vs the ones in the US. Also I don’t think we give trains that much consideration when it comes to travel. My two cents.
Holy Mother of God and all the other saints.
Hard shell.
That’s giving people boners?
I see so much Stratus in that concept :/
I was waiting for the "kurwa."
I am Polish and I can verify this.
It'll buff out.
Lego, a better investment than real estate.