
It’s probably why the people in Expanse are still alive

The Gatling gun was designed by the American inventor Dr. Richard J. Gatling in 1861 and patented on November 4, 1862.[12][9] Gatling wrote that he created it to reduce the size of armies and so reduce the number of deaths by combat [emphasis mine] and disease, and to show how futile war is.[13] -Wikipedia

It was an intentional choice, which the creators have spoken about at length, but boils down to: We wanted to tell a story about humans.

AI’s are overused in Sci-fi.  I think it’s a breath of fresh air really.  

“Finally, we found Skynet. We can take it down before it destroys humanity.”

On the other hand, a cast of mostly women, a half dozen LGBTQ characters, and only one straight white man in the entire cast is a big deal for sci-fi across the board. No one else is doing it.

But the show remains a toothless version of Trek. It’s Trek with all of its ideas blunted and supplanted with expensive VFX. It’s a shadow play of the corporate understanding of good prestige TV; gesturing at drama without earning it, invoking ideas without allowing them to be too daring or controversial.

yeah putting a black woman in charge and building a queer community on the ship sure are meaningless at a time when racist, religious extremists are attempting to remove the franchise from black folks and sack congress. /sarcasm

I thought it was a fine episode, but for all the hand-to-hand fighting the episode loses points for lacking that classic Kirk Fu. Needed more double-hand slams and neck chops.

My favorite part of the episode?

Please don’t use simp like that. It’s an extremely misogynistic term used to describe any male that treats any woman with even a modicum of respect.

I don’t know. Quick, tell me the name of something you really like so I can shit on it without actually offering an opinion! Never mind, I’ll do it myself.

Sorry everyone else’s tastes aren’t the same as yours. 

There was no other viable safe course of action for her. He is too important to risk falling in enemy hands again. And no, I really hope the do not do that.

>>>>”Hooray for that emergency core dump, which makes the Martian ship go boom—but the fate of the Razorback, which shoots off in the other direction, remains a mystery until next time.”

Bobbie still hasn’t really done anything yet, boo.”

Holden is asleep at the wheel for real. He is normally the paranoid one of the group, so the fact that he didn’t run a fine tooth comb over the Roci after the head engineer who did all the work assassinated Fred was out of character. I get that he is probably pissed and rushing bc he wants blood for Fred and PM back,

Well do you have flag?

she didn’t just identify as a transvestite, she was an executive transvestite.

> It was nice to have some non binary representation but did they really have to make such a big deal out of it?